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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

JSF - Basic Tags

Basic JSF Tags

JSF provides a standard HTML tag library. These tags get rendered into corresponding html output.
For these tags you need to use the following namespaces of URI in html node.
Following are important Basic Tags in JSF 2.0:
S.N. Tag & Description
1 h:inputText
Renders a HTML input of type="text", text box.
2 h:inputSecret
Renders a HTML input of type="password", text box.
3 h:inputTextarea
Renders a HTML textarea field.
4 h:inputHidden
Renders a HTML input of type="hidden".
5 h:selectBooleanCheckbox
Renders a single HTML check box.
6 h:selectManyCheckbox
Renders a group of HTML check boxes.
7 h:selectOneRadio
Renders a single HTML radio button.
8 h:selectOneListbox
Renders a HTML single list box.
9 h:selectManyListbox
Renders a HTML multiple list box.
10 h:selectOneMenu
Renders a HTML combo box.
11 h:outputText
Renders a HTML text.
12 h:outputFormat
Renders a HTML text. It accepts parameters.
13 h:graphicImage
Renders an image.
14 h:outputStylesheet
Includes a CSS style sheet in HTML output.
15 h:outputScript
Includes a script in HTML output.
16 h:commandButton
Renders a HTML input of type="submit" button.
17 h:Link
Renders a HTML anchor.
18 h:commandLink
Renders a HTML anchor.
19 h:outputLink
Renders a HTML anchor.
20 h:panelGrid
Renders an HTML Table in form of grid.
21 h:message
Renders message for a JSF UI Component.
22 h:messages
Renders all message for JSF UI Components.
23 f:param
Pass parameters to JSF UI Component.
24 f:attribute
Pass attribute to a JSF UI Component.
25 f:setPropertyActionListener
Sets value of a managed bean's property

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