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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Online Marketing Efforts

As a famous proverb says, “what gets measured, gets managed”. Measuring online marketing efforts results in properly managed website and boosting business.
Properly measured metrics give you the insight of data and enables you to predict the revenue better. The following metrics measure your online marketing efforts −

Online Marketing - Impact, Pros & Cons

Online marketing provides distributes information about the business faster, anywhere, and anytime. You need to take wise steps to market your products and services for −
  • Attracting and retaining the viewer’s attention.
  • Convincing them to take beneficial action after viewing your website.
  • Building trust in viewers by providing quality products/service.

Celebrity Online Marketers

There are several marketers who rose to fame due to their prominent share in online marketing. They are experts in their domain and are great speakers too. Few of them are listed below −

Online Marketing - Quick Guide

Online Marketing - Introduction

Internet marketing is like digging a gold mine. 97% people focus on 99% dirt and keep complaining. 3% people focus on 1% gold and keep it collecting.
− Sanja Budin, Owner, smartbizprofits.com
Marketing is carried out with the intent of reaching out to a maximum number of people in exchange of minimum cost. When Internet was still in its formative years, marketing people used to depend on traditional media such as television, radio, handbills, billboards, newspapers, and magazines.

Online Marketing - Useful Resources

The following resources contain additional information on Online Marketing. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this.

Useful Links on Online Marketing

Discuss Online Marketing

This is a brief tutorial that provides an overview of how to market your products and services using various online platforms. It describes various online marketing techniques such as Online Advertising, Mobile Advertising, Building SEO-Friendly Websites, Content Marketing, E-Mail marketing, as well as Web Analytics for Online Marketing. Moving forward, it also describes the impact of online marketing on the business and the pros and cons of online marketing.

Mobile Marketing Overview

Mobile Marketing is a next generation trend of marketing products and services. Today, the strategy of mobile marketing is being practiced by most of the traders and businessmen across the globe through which they communicate or engage with their potential audiences/customers in an interactive and relevant manner. The companies create short, but interactive messages (to promote their business) specifically to deliver on mobile devices.

Mobile Technology & Reach

Mobile technology has grown leaps and bounds over the last few decades. The journey from the clunky wireless phone to sleek smartphone has been peppered by a number of amazing innovations and discoveries.
With the 3G mobiles available today, users can do a lot more with their smartphones than just sending a voicemail or SMS.

Mobile Marketing Strategies

People use their mobile phones to not only remain in contact, but also for reading the review of the products, knowing about the new products in the market, and of course online purchasing. In such a condition, developing a masterly designed mobile marketing strategy is significant for your business.

Mobile Marketing Policies

For smooth running of your mobile marketing campaign, you need to define well-accepted policies and then strategize your campaign based on the defined policies.

SMS Campaign

SMS Campaign is a popular technique of present day business world practiced by most of the companies. To promote products and services, it is the simplest, fastest, and the most economical technique.

Mobile Website Marketing Strategies

The increasing popularity of mobile phones has added another dimension to how companies market their products and services. Hence, many of the companies are developing mobile websites for their businesses. It facilitates users to browse, surf, and access the respective websites anytime & anywhere on their mobile devices.

Mobile Apps Marketing Strategies

Mobile applications are in rage today and will be for a long time to come. The reason is simple – a mobile application is more personal than a website. Customers download an application if they like what it offers or if they have a need for it. That’s one of the reasons why a mobile application often brings in more revenue to a business than a website.

Mobile Advertising Ecosystem

The reach of mobile advertisement is growing much faster than any other mode of advertisement. Sending promotional text messages about different products and services is the simplest and the quickest way to reach a larger section of your customer base.

Mobile Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms play a vital role in today’s day and age. Chatting, tweeting, commenting, and liking other’s comments have become a routine exercise. Taking advantage of this, many businesses promoting their products and services using social media as a channel.

Mobile E-Mail Marketing

People normally take notice of an email or a promotional message when they receive it on their cellphone. Therefore mobile email marketing is a great way to promote your business, as you can receive immediate response from your potential customers.


Buying and selling products and services through mobile devices are the new trend. A housewife can purchase her kitchen appliances from the comfort of her living room, a busy person can order lunch from office, one can use mobile platforms to sell goods and services − all with a few clicks.

Understanding Mobile Users

Mobile devices help users to navigate the world. Customers use mobile devices for all aspects of their needs. They act on the information they see. So advertisers need to extend online advertising and should strive to be seen on mobiles.

Return On Investment

Return on Investment or simply ROI is the calculation of the profit earned on investment. The formula to calculate ROI is as follows −
Return − Investment Investment
To understand the ROI from Mobile Marketing, let’s assume −

Mobile Marketing - Quick Guide

Mobile Marketing - Overview

Mobile Marketing is a next generation trend of marketing products and services. Today, the strategy of mobile marketing is being practiced by most of the traders and businessmen across the globe through which they communicate or engage with their potential audiences/customers in an interactive and relevant manner. The companies create short, but interactive messages (to promote their business) specifically to deliver on mobile devices.

Mobile Marketing - Useful Resources

The following resources contain additional information on Mobile Marketing. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this topic.

Useful Links on Mobile Marketing

Discuss Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing is a well-defined and accepted strategy to promote your products and services through mobile devices. This brief tutorial describes the various techniques and steps of mobile marketing such as development of mobile websites, sms campaign, mobile apps, etc.

Instagram Marketing - Overview

Instagram is one of the fastest growing social platforms and it has gained immense popularity over the years. It has become one of the most essential social networks amongst people, and continues to develop in popularity with over 400+ million dynamic users a month.

Instagram Marketing - Business Strategy

Instagram being a part of your business strategy can go a long way for successful business outcomes. Following are some of the points to remember −

Engage your customers

Utilize the @mention to promote the "follower of the day" on Instagram, and you will connect with a considerable measure of potential clients immediately. This will advance your customers, which will urge them to work with you significantly further.

Instagram Marketing - Installation & Signup

Instagram is one of the best platforms of social benefits. From creating brand awareness to hosting contests, etc.

Navigating through Instagram

Method 1

To give a fresh start download Instagram App on iOS/android phones/tablets. Once Installed, open the app.
Sign-up for a new account either using your email address or login with Facebook. If proceeding with email, create username and password. Fill your profile details and you are done signing up. If you register with Facebook, you are required to login to your Facebook account.

Instagram Marketing - Posting and Engaging

This chapter will deal with posting photos and videos on Instagram. It will also cover how to foster engagement with other users and followers.

Instagram Marketing - Activity Review

In the event that you post five photographs on Instagram, and one of those photographs is getting significantly more likes and comments than the other four, it's vital to investigate that photograph to discover why it has been so effective. You can attempt to reproduce that accomplishment with future photographs and recordings that you upload to Instagram.

Instagram Marketing - Fine Tuning Content

On the grounds that Instagram is a moderately segregated social application that lives inherently on mobile, it's essential to connect social accounts to get the most out of the experience. You may choose to link Instagram to your Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Tumblr, Flickr, VK, Mixi and Weibo accounts.

Instagram Marketing - Tools and Apps

While using Instagram to promote your business, it is vital that you monitor your Instagram statistics regularly, with the goal to analyze what's been fruitful on Instagram, and what hasn't been so effective.
We will discuss here some of the tools that you can use to monitor Instagram statistics.

Integrate with Other Platforms

If your organization has a site or blog, you can install your Instagram uploads directly into your site. There are two or three distinctive approaches to do this, contingent upon which stage you're utilizing to have your site.

Instagram Marketing - Analytics Tools

Statistics on social media is to be followed thoroughly, especially if you are a business person. Many businessmen ignore Instagram because it lacks in providing statistical data. You need to keep track to be successful and lure traffic, and see what is working for you and what is not.

Instagram Marketing - Quick Guide

Instagram Marketing - Overview

Instagram is one of the fastest growing social platforms and it has gained immense popularity over the years. It has become one of the most essential social networks amongst people, and continues to develop in popularity with over 400+ million dynamic users a month. It’s no wonder then that businesses of all shapes

Instagram Marketing - Useful Resources

The following resources contain additional information on Instagram Marketing. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this.

Useful Links on Instagram Marketing

Discuss Instagram Marketing

This tutorial has been designed to bring out the importance of this social media platform. Instagram can be used as a successful digital marketing tool for brand promotion. This tutorial provides details on how to effectively use this medium to make and share your stories digitally and reach the desired audience, resulting in higher sales and better user engagement.

Google Plus - Introduction

Google+ (Google Plus) is an interest-based social networking site owned by Google Inc. Launched in 2011, this platform brings together people with similar interest. Such group of people can build a community and share their ideas through photos and posts.

Google Plus - Business Page Setting

Google+ has over 300 million active users. Hence, it can be used for business purpose to reach millions of customers worldwide. The Google+ platform is managed through a dashboard ‘Google My Business’. It uses maps, search, and Google+ to make it easy for our brand to be more visible on search.

Google Plus - Creating a New Account

Following are the steps to create a new account.
  • Step 1 − Create a Gmail account. It is always advisable not to use the existing account if we are creating an account for business purposes. Create a new account and allow only business team members to your circles.

Navigating Through Google Plus

When we land on Google+ page, we will come across a left sidebar.

Google Plus - Adding Business Details

To add business details to Google+ page, we need to have access to My Business section. Google My Business is a platform which makes it easy to find and connect with customers. It uses search, maps, etc. to make the brand visible to search results.

Google Plus - Uploading Profile Picture

In this chapter, we will discuss how you can upload a profile picture in your Google+ account.
Step 1 − Open Google+ account using the link https://plus.google.com

Google Plus - Adding a Cover Picture

In this chapter, we will discuss how you can add a cover picture in your Google+ account.
Step 1 − Open Google+ account.

Google Plus - Circles

Google Circles can be used to group together different people. It may different members of the family, colleagues, or a group of people having similar interest. When we add people to a particular circle, they receive a notification of being added to the circle. Members of a circle can view the posts and photos in the circle. We can also add or remove people from circles at any time. Circles help to share the right information with the right people.

Google Plus - Communities

Google+ Communities play a major role in finding people with similar hobbies or interests. It helps to bring people together for discussing particular interests for example fashion, science, animals, etc. Communities are places where the users who are added to it share or ask specific questions or comments on a related topic.

Google Plus - Hangouts

This communication platform by Google, includes video chat, messaging, and VOIP features. It is a free service from Google that provides both single chat or group chats. Group chat can take place with up to 10 persons. Google Hangouts users can easily share files such as images and videos with other users.

Google Plus - Events

Google+ Events page helps in organizing an upcoming event or occasion. It helps anyone using Gmail to add certain events in their calendars. All information about the particular event can be populated with just one click.

Google Plus - Uploading a Post

We can upload posts on our Google+ profile easily and share it with people in our communities/circles or others who we want to share it with. When we share our post, it is visible on the receiver’s news feed. The post also appears on our profile page and people can comment, like, or share the post. We can also tag people to our post using “+ and their name.

Google Plus - Editing a Post

Step 1 − Open the Google+ account and go to the post to be edited.
Step 2 − Click the Menu icon icon as shown in the following screenshot.

Google Plus - Deleting a Post

Step 1 − Open the post to be deleted.
Step 2 − Click the Menu Icon icon.

Google Plus - Resharing a Post

Step 1 − To re-share someone else’s post, click the share Resharing icon that appears on the post as seen in the following screenshot.

Google Plus - Reporting a Post

If we see any violation on Google+ which is against the policies, we can immediately report it. Violation may include bullying, threatening, hate speech, sharing someone’s photos or videos without their permission, spam, illegal or violent content, etc.,

Google Plus - Foster User Engagement

Google+ is a powerful social network and has the potential of drawing more visitors to our business. Following are some effective strategies to follow to engage more users.

Google Plus - Checking Notifications

Google+ sends notification to notify us about the recent activity, such as photos/videos shared with us. This Notifications Icon icon at appears on the page is the notification icon and we can choose to receive the notification through emails, text messages, etc. Enabling notifications is important as it gives us the benefit of knowing what is happening on the platform.

Google Plus - Adding Managers

Page managers, page owners, and page communication managers are three different types of admins available on Google+. An owner is the person who can add/ remove managers. The manager should be chosen wisely because they have a lot of access on the page There can be 50 managers of a page at a time. Managers reserve the right to remove themselves from the position of manager from a page any time.