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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Discuss Apache POI Word

This tutorial provides a basic understanding of Apache POI library and its features. Here we will learn how to read, write, and manage MS-Word documents using Java programs.

Apache POI PPT - Installation

This chapter takes you through the process of setting up Apache POI on Windows and Linux based systems. Apache POI can easily be installed and integrated with your current Java environment, following a few simple steps without any complex setup procedures. User administration is required for installation.

Apache POI PPT - Classes and Methods

In this chapter, we will learn about a few classes and methods under Apache POI API that are crucial to work on PPT files using Java programs.

Apache POI PPT - Slide Layouts

In the previous chapter, you have seen how to create empty slides and how to add slides to it. In this chapter, you will learn how to get the list of available slides, and how to create a slide with different layouts.

Apache POI PPT - Slide Management

After completing this chapter, you will be able to delete, reorder, and perform read and write operations on a slide.

Changing a Slide

Apache POI PPT - Images

In this chapter, you will learn how to add an image to a PPT and how to read an image from it.

Adding Image

Apache POI PPT - Creating Hyperlinks

In this chapter you will learn how to create hyperlinks in a presentation.

Creating Hyperlinks

You can read the hyperlinks in a presentation using the createHyperlink() method of the XSLFTextRun class. Follow the procedure given below to create a hyperlink in a presentation.

Apache POI PPT - Reading Shapes

You can get a count of the number of shapes used in a presentation using the method getShapeName() of the XSLFShape class. Given below is the program to read the shapes from a presentation:

Apache POI PPT - Formatting Text

The text in a presentation can be formatted using the methods of the XSLFTextRun class. For that, you have to create an XSLFTextRun class object by selecting one of the slide layouts as shown below:
//create the empty presentation 
XMLSlideShow ppt = new XMLSlideShow();

Apache POI PPT - Merging

You can merge multiple presentations using the importContent() method of the XMLSlideShow class. Given below is the complete program to merge two presentations:

Apache POI PPT - PPT to Image

You can convert a presentation to an image file. The following program shows how to go about it.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

Apache POI PPT - Quick Guide

Apache POI PPT - Overview

Many a time, a software application is required to generate reports in Microsoft Office file format. Sometimes, an application is even expected to receive MS- Office files as input data.
Any Java programmer who wants to produce MS Office files as output must use a predefined and read-only API to do so.

Apache POI PPT - Useful Resources

The following resources contain additional information on Apache POI PPT. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this topic.

Discuss Apache POI PPT

Apache POI is an API that allows to create, modify and display Microsoft Office files. This open source library is developed and distributed by Apache Software Foundation.
This tutorial provides a basic understanding of Apache POI library for MS Power Point and its features.

Apache POI PPT - Presentation

Generally, we use MS-PowerPoint to create presentations. Now let us see how to create presentations using Java. After completion of this chapter, you will be able to create new MS-PowerPoint presentations and open existing PPTs with your Java program.

Apache POI PPT - Classes and Methods

In this chapter, we will learn about a few classes and methods under Apache POI API that are crucial to work on PPT files using Java programs.

Apache POI PPT - Installation

This chapter takes you through the process of setting up Apache POI on Windows and Linux based systems. Apache POI can easily be installed and integrated with your current Java environment, following a few simple steps without any complex setup procedures. User administration is required for installation.

Flavors of Java PPT API

This chapter takes you through some of the flavors of Java PowerPoint API and their features. There are many vendors who provide Java PPT related APIs; some of them are considered in this chapter.

Ant - Executing Java code

You can use Ant to execute Java code. In the following example, the java class takes in an argument (administrator's email address) and sends out an email.

Ant - Deploying Applications

In the previous chapter, we have learnt how to package an application and deploy it to a folder.
In this chapter, we are going to deploy the web application directly to the application server deploy folder, then we are going to add a few Ant targets to start and stop the services. Let us continue with the Hello World fax web application. This is a continuation of the previous chapter, the new components are highlighted in bold.

Ant - Packaging Applications

We have learnt the different aspects of Ant using the Hello World Fax web application in bits and pieces.
Now it is time to put everything together to create a full and complete build.xml file. Consider build.properties and build.xml files as follows:

Ant - Creating WAR files

Creating WAR files with Ant is extremely simple, and very similar to the creating JAR files task. After all, WAR file, like JAR file is just another ZIP file.

Ant - Creating JAR files

The next logical step after compiling your java source files, is to build the java archive, i.e., the JAR file. Creating JAR files with Ant is quite easy with the jar task. The commonly used attributes of the jar task are as follows:

Ant - Build Documentation

Documentation is a must in any project. Documentation plays a great role in the maintenance of a project. Java makes documentation easier by the use of the in-built javadoc tool. Ant makes it even easier by generating the documentation on demand.

Ant - Building Projects

Now that we have learnt about the data types in Ant, it is time to put that knowledge into action. We will build a project in this chapter. The aim of this chapter is to build an Ant file that compiles the java classes and places them in the WEB-INF\classes folder.
Consider the following project structure:

Ant - Data Types

Ant provides a number of predefined data types. Do not confuse the term "data types" with those that are available in the programming language, instead consider them as a set of services that are built into the product already.

Discuss Apache Ant

Apache Ant is a Java based build tool from Apache Software Foundation. Apache Ant's build files are written in XML and they take advantage of being open standard, portable and easy to understand.
This tutorial should show you how to use Apache ANT to automate the build and deployment process in simple and easy steps. After completing this tutorial, you should find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in using Apache Ant from where you may take yourself to next levels.

Ant - Useful Resources

The following resources contain additional information on Apache ANT. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this.

Ant - Quick Guide

ANT stands for Another Neat Tool. It is a Java-based build tool from Apache. Before going into the details of Apache Ant, let us first understand why we need a build tool in the first place.

Ant - Extending Ant

Ant comes with a predefined set of tasks, however you can create your own tasks, as shown in the example below.
Custom Ant Tasks should extend the org.apache.tools.ant.Task class and should extend the execute() method. Below is a simple example:

Ant - JUnit Integration

JUnit is the commonly used unit testing framework for Java-based developments. It is easy to use and easy to extend. There are a number of JUnit extensions available. If you are unfamiliar with JUnit, you should download it from www.junit.org and read its manual.

Ant - Eclipse Integration

If you have downloaded and installed Eclipse already, you have very little to do to get started. Eclipse comes pre bundled with the Ant plugin, ready to use.
Follow the simple steps, to integrate Ant into Eclipse.

Ant - Property Task

Ant build files are written in XML, which does not allow declaring variables as you do in your favorite programming language. However, as you may have imagined, it would be useful if Ant allowed declaring variables such as project name, project source directory, etc.

Ant - Build Files

Typically, Ant's build file, called build.xml should reside in the base directory of the project. However there is no restriction on the file name or its location. You are free to use other file names or save the build file in some other location.

Ant - Environment Setup

Apache Ant Ant is distributed under the Apache Software License, a fully-fledged open source license certified by the open source initiative.

Ant - Introduction

ANT stands for Another Neat Tool. It is a Java-based build tool from Apache. Before going into the details of Apache Ant, let us first understand why we need a build tool in the first place.

Create Your Ultimate 2016 Freelance Success Plan (For Newbies and Pros)

Are you ready to earn a heck of a lot more from your writing in 2016? Good!
You might think it would be impossible for me to write a single post that tells every freelance writer out there how to find better clients and get paid more in the coming year…but that’s exactly what I’ve got for you.

7 Reasons You Have More Writing Clips Than You Think

Here’s a common lament I hear from freelance writers:
“I don’t have any writing samples! What should I do to get clips for my portfolio?”
Well, wait just a minute there. Because often, when I ask more questions, I find out you’ve got clips.
You just don’t think you have any.

How One Freelance Writer Made $11K in Her First Two Months

When I decided to take the leap and leave my corporate communications job for a full-time freelance writing career, I knew I’d make most of my money writing for businesses. So I spent entire days creating a spreadsheet of hundreds of potential clients to pitch.

How Freelance Article Writers Can Find Facts Fast — And Make Sure They’re True

The strongest magazine articles usually include data from a reliable source to back up the points you’re making. Without solid information, your article doesn’t come off as credible.

Why Super-Short Articles Can Build a Big Writing Career

Writing short can be refreshing — like ice in your underwear.
It’s also a practical way to build a writing career.

Readers’ 2015 Picks: Most Useful Posts for Freelance Writers & Bloggers

Need a shot of freelance writing knowledge to start the New Year off right? I’ve got it for you right here — our annual list of the most popular new posts that went up this year here on Make a Living Writing!
That’s right, many of the all-time most populars you see over in the sidebar from past years are out of the running for this fresh list.

Is Freelance Writing a Sure Thing? Scam Alert

Do you think freelance writing is a sure thing?
If so, there’s a newly minted online writing ‘expert’ who’d love to take your money.
You may have heard that if something seems to be too good to be true, it probably is.

How One Freelance Writer Found a $3,000 Gig — On Twitter

I thought Twitter was dead. I had pretty much abandoned it for the bright colors and changing landscape of Instagram. I mean, Instagram pretty much has a built-in Snapchat feature and allows for way more than 140 characters. So what else do you need? Certainly not Twitter.

What IS Freelance Writing? Answers to the Awkward Newbie Questions

I post a lot of tips here on Make a Living Writing for writers looking to earn more. But recently, a look at my Google Analytics revealed a surprising phrase writers commonly search on:
“What is freelance writing?”

6 Basic Steps to Score Your First Freelance Writing Gig

The biggest problem I faced as a new freelance writer was wondering when I’d ever feel ready to make the leap to marketing myself effectively, and getting that first freelance writing gig.

Young Writers: Earn Big With These Vital Mindset Changes

I quit my corporate job in February 2015 with $300 in the bank. I had no idea what I wanted to do besides make a living writing. I was 25 years old, and a total newbie in the writing world. There wasn’t a lot of demand for young writers, I thought.

How to Become a Freelance Writer: My Best Resources

Every day, writers email me and ask how to become a freelance writer. Where is the door that you go through where you can start earning a living as a freelance writer?
Well, I’ve created a door.

21 Ways to Market Your Writing Services

In my mentoring work, I often find myself introducing my mentees to a basic fact of life for freelance writers: If you want to earn more, you’re going to need to market your business aggressively. Answering Craigslist or Kijiji ads is unlikely to get you $1 a word or $100 an hour gigs. To find really good-paying work, you will have to prospect.

The Critical Networking Step Many Writers Miss

It’s confession time. This past week, I made a tragic error.
I washed a pair of my husband’s pants.
No, I do laundry around here. It’s not that.

10 Reasons Why You’re Bombing in Social Media

Social media — is it getting you gigs? If not, let’s take a look at some possible reasons. Social media takes a pretty substantial time investment, so if you’re putting in the time, it darn well better bring you some real business. Or you should send direct-mail letters instead.

7 Networking Tips for Cowards

Does the idea of going to a live networking event make your stomach queasy and your palms greasy? We’re going to solve that problem right here, with some tips on how you can use in-person networking to grow your writing business, even if you’re petrified of meeting people face-to-face, hate crowds, or have full-on social anxiety.

How to Get the Most Lucrative Writing Clients, Part II: 5 Ways to Connect

Last week, I discussed how to identify really great-paying clients. Now that we know the shape of the elephant, let’s discuss how to locate and bag that big game.
Here are some of the techniques I’ve used in the past year to connect with clients that pay $1-$2 a word, $100 an hour, and more:

GUEST POST: Five New Realities for the Beginning Freelance Writer

By John White
The freelance writing life, as my colleague Jim Schott points out, is “a hard way to make an easy living.”
I often quote him because freelance writing does seem like a hard way to make a living (easy or not), especially if you’ve never spent time around people who are in business for themselves.

Market Your Writing 40 Kick-Ass Ways — Learn How in One Hour

How do you market your writing? Some freelance writers might use a few different methods — maybe you’ve sent a query or two, used social media, and hit a networking event. Or maybe you don’t do any active marketing at all.

How a Writer Can Move Up From Content Mills — Mailbag

On this edition of Mailbag, we tackle a question I get a lot: How can a freelance writer kick the content-mill habit and move up to better-paying clients?
On the recent post about Demand Studios’ IPO, reader Mike Biscoe was concerned about the revelation that DS doesn’t make a profit, which puts them at risk for going bust. An excerpt of his comments and questions:

Help! I Bungled a Writing-Client Meeting — Mailbag

Today, I’m reaching into my freelance-writer mailbag and answering a question I got from a participant in my recent 40 Ways to Market Your Writing webinar. Oscar emailed me after the session and told me he’d recently plunged into freelance writing after being laid off.

Two Easy-Fun Ways Freelance Writers Can Find Great Clients

One of the questions freelance writers ask me most is, “How can I find better-paying clients?” Another one is “Where are all the good-paying clients hiding?” A third one is, “Why can’t I find any good-paying clients?”
I’m sensing a theme here, that people want to know more about how to connect with great clients.

How One Writer Grew Her Pay — and Left Demand Studios Behind

By Tiffany Jansen
I used to write for content mills. I know I should be ashamed of myself, but I’m not.
Working for Demand Studios taught me a lot: sticking to a word count, following guidelines, writing on a deadline, working with editors and, most importantly, that I could earn money writing.

4 Great Ways to Find Local Writing Clients

It’s a big, wide world of freelance writing out there in our shiny 21st Century. Global, even. I’ve had clients in Australia, the U.K., Canada, and states all over the U.S.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #4: How to Get Great Clients in 60 Seconds

Ever been tongue-tied at a networking event?
Somebody asked, “And what do you do?”
And you said, “I’m a freelance writer.”
So far so good.

4 Random Ways One Freelance Writer Networked and Found New Clients

By Elizabeth Pagel-Hogan
If you’re a writer for whom the word “network” has only one meaning — and that’s when your connection to the server goes down — you’re missing out on some great opportunities to find clients.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #17: How to Earn More Just From Schmoozing

In last week’s installment of Marketing 101, we learned that the most effective way to do nearly any form of marketing is to get a personal introduction to the editor or marketing manager you want to hire you.
Do you know the best way to get more of those personal connections? You need to get out and meet people. Ideally, in person.
Before you start up, I know — you’re shy. You hate parties.
Think of it this way:  You’re going to earn more money just by standing around shooting the breeze with people. Just like those people there on the right, in the picture. There will often be drinks and snacks involved.
That doesn’t look like agony, now does it?
You can do this. And you really want to, because people who do in-person networking, are usually the ones who earn more. It’s just that simple.
Why? The connections you make when you meet people face-to-face are way deeper than those of those Twitter followers you’ve got. Those personal connections will open doors for you and grease those marketing wheels for you, making everything happen easier and faster.
Need a crash course in how to network? Here are the basics:

5 Rules for Networking Success

  1. Know what you’re looking for. Be ready to answer questions about who your ideal client is. People will want to help you, but they can’t if they don’t know what sort of referrals you want.
  2. Have a “me” speech. You should have a short, 90-second speech ready that describes the type of writing you do and are looking for. Practice saying it with a friend until it feels conversational and comfortable.
  3. Ask about them. Writers say they hate networking because they don’t like talking about themselves. But really, you don’t have to say much. Everyone else would love to tell you all about what they do. Ask about their ideal client and how you could help.
  4. Have fun. Smile!  You’re out of your cave and out in the big city having a drink. Project confidence, faking it if necessary. Nobody wants to stay in touch with people who sound desperate and broke.
  5. Follow up. The real networking begins after you go home from the event. You’ve met people — now it’s time to take that stack of business cards and cement those relationships. Connect in social media to stay in touch, send them relevant articles, send them job leads. Meet interesting people for coffee. Keep the conversation going.
Hopefully, I’ve sold you that in-person networking will not kill you, is actually fun when done right, and should be an important part of your marketing effort to grow your writing income.
Once you’ve got that in your head, the next question is where to network. There are many choices.

7 Good Places to Network

  1. Casual networking. Chat up those other moms and dads while you’re watching that soccer game. Do they have a business? Who do they work for that might use freelance copywriters?
  2. Business groups. Check out your local chamber or business association — some are pricey to join while others are quite affordable. Many put on occasional open-house events you can crash. My local chamber puts on a variety of events every month, from casual after-hours get-togethers to sit-down luncheons.
  3. Regional or national events. Hitting a big-time event such as SXSW, BlogWorld, or SOBCON can give you a chance to meet many people at once, and to meet more big guns in your target industry. Yes, it can be a major financial investment to fly to one of these — but my experience has been that if you work this opportunity, you will grow your business many times more than the cost of that plane ticket and hotel.
  4. Pro networking groups. BNI is one of the best-known in this category, and I believe the most expensive. Advantage here: You will be the only freelance writer in the group — they only allow one person per occupation in each local chapter.
  5. Social media in person. My local Linked:Seattle group, for instance, routinely sees more than 500 people turn up at its live events. This is a great way to make deeper connections with those tweeps you hang with online.
  6. Writers groups. You might be staying away because you think these events will just be a bunch of sad, desperate, starving writers crying into their cheap glasses of chardonnay… but it’s not like that. Growing your network of other writers who know your talents can put you in their downline for referrals when those writers get leads they don’t have time for or that aren’t their speed. They’re also great to know for reality-checking prices and snooping around about whether that prospective new client is a nightmare. I’ve gotten several great clients through attending MediaBistro events.
  7. Skype calls. I like to book at least one Skype call a week with someone who might help my business in some way. If you don’t live near a major city, this can be a great way to build connections when it’s hard to appear in person. The phone-company people used to say this, but Skype really is the next best thing to being there.
Which type of networking will be best for you? You won’t know until you get out there, experiment, and meet people.

How to Land Great Clients (Even if Networking Scares the Beejus Out of You)

by Rebecca Sylvester
You’ve read that making connections is the way to make more freelance income NOW.
You know you could land high-paying gigs if you just had the courage to promote yourself.

How to Win the Freelance Writing Game

Trying to make it as a freelance writer can feel a lot like trying to play a very complicated game — one where no one tells you the rules.
Well, today, I get out the freelance-writing game box, open it up, unfold the instruction sheet and lay it out for you.

How to Break Through the Barriers That Hold Writers Back

I needed to get out of the library, but the door was blocked. And I’m claustrophobic.
My kids were acting up and I really needed to get them out of there, increasing my sense of panic.

The Writer’s Instant Cure for Feeling Stuck

Ever found yourself scribbling story ideas down as you’re driving away from your house to go on vacation?
That happens to me every time.

The Question That Doubled My Freelance Writing Income

It was 2009, and I was at one of my first in-person networking meetings, hoping to scare up some new freelance writing clients.
As the economy went down, nearly every editor I worked for either got laid off or the publication folded altogether.

How to Find a Freelance Writing Gig: Here are the Options

Finding clients — especially good ones — seems to be the mysterious part of the freelance writing life.
People don’t write me asking, “How can I learn to write competently, so I can be a freelance writer?”
Instead, they ask questions like this one I got yesterday:

How Not to Network — A Guide for the Pushy and Clueless

Growing your network can be a great way to find more and better clients as a freelance writer.
But it’s come to my attention recently that not everybody understands how to do that.
There is some basic etiquette to know when it comes to connecting with brand-new people and getting them interested in helping you.

5 Sound Bite Mistakes That Will Lose You Freelance Clients

By Susan Harrow
When you’re asked how your freelance writing services help clients, do you have a ready answer?
Here’s why you need one (and not just for going to a networking meeting or taking a prospect’s Skype call).
In this new age of media 2.0, the media is more often searching for experts when they have the need rather than poring over hundreds of useless press releases that don’t have information that is relevant for their audience.

8 Important Questions to Ask Before You Publish Your Book

Right now, I feel like I’m drowning.
I’m in the final frenzy of preparing for the launch week of my new print business book, The Pocket Small Business Owner’s Guide to Starting Your Business on a Shoestring.

How to HALT the Crazy and Be a Productive Writer Again

Do you sometimes feel like life just won’t let you write?
The kids are screaming. You’re juggling responsibilities with job, family, maybe even caring for parents or other relatives.

How to Get Freelance Clients Without Doing a Darn Thing

By Tiffany Jansen
I was a brand-new full-time freelance writer. I had the passion. I had the drive. I had the skills.
I did not have the clients.

5 Steps to Take Your Freelance Writing Biz to the Next Level

By Kristen Hicks
You know you’re a good writer.
You meet deadlines, craft compelling copy with perfect grammar, and always behave professionally.
So why are you still struggling to find work?

How I Found 488 Red-Hot Freelance Writing Prospects

By Ayelet Weisz
What is the most urgent need for every new freelance writer? Clients.
And finding them isn’t always easy.

3 Simple Ways to Find Better-Paying Freelance Writing Jobs

Do you feel like it’s a pipe dream to make a living as a freelance writer?
I hear a lot of comments like this from writers who are about ready to give up on their writing dreams.
They write me to say:

The Laid-Back Method That Grows Your Freelance Business

By Daryl George
Have you ever labored over writing the perfect guest post or pitch, only to be greeted by silence or rejection?

5 Ways Freelance Writers Can Earn More Without Marketing

Hands up, writers — who loves to do marketing and reach out to new prospects?
Yeah. I thought so.

4 Reasons Why Grammar Police Make Terrible Writers

by Linda Formichelli
The other day I received this email in response to a marketing message I sent out to my subscription list:
Basic grammar forbids the use of double negatives, “…using the wrong
set of skills for the wrong job”. An authority on writing must master
the rules of writing before they can be taken seriously.

WordPress - Media Setting

In this chapter, we will study about Media Settings in WordPress. It is used to set the height and width of the images which you're going to use on your website.
Step (1) − Click on Settings →

Changing Blogger post URL How to change the blog post URL in Blogger

If you are about to publish a new post then you can change the blog post URL easily without any additional steps.

Friday, January 13, 2017

5 Ways Introverted Freelance Writers Can Do Painless Marketing

By Nillu Nasser Stelter
If you’re anything like me, one of the reasons you are a freelance writer is that you enjoy solitude.
Whether you write best in a hideaway or in a crowded cafe, you’re comfortable inside your own head.

Why It’s Never Been Easier to be a Freelance Writer

Do you feel like today’s freelance writing marketplace is just too difficult to break into? Too competitive for you to move up and earn well?
Well, I disagree. In fact, I believe there’s never been a better time to be a freelance writer.

5 Quick Ways Busy Freelancers Can Keep Marketing

It’s always great to be busy as a freelance writer. But one problem that often crops up is that it’s easy to let marketing slide.
Then, next thing you know, those current projects wrap. And you find yourself facing the terror of an empty schedule and the plummeting income that goes along with it.

How One Freelance Writer Got $3,000 From a Simple Request

By Angie Mansfield
I was a frustrated freelance writer.
Late last year, I was finally starting to gain traction in my freelance writing business, but I still wasn’t as busy as I wanted to be. I was doing okay. But I wanted to take that next step to being able to tell my lowest-paying clients, “Sorry, I’m fully booked right now.”

How to Get Awesome Guest Blogging Gigs With CPR

By Daryl Rothman
Have you ever had a great idea for a guest post and wish it could be featured on one of the top blogs for writers?
It can be.

How I Got Magazine Writing Gigs From All 3 of My Dream Markets

Since I became a freelance writer, most of my work has been in my favorite niche — the equine industry.
Along with web copy, newsletters, tweets and Facebook posts for trainers, big horse shows, and venues, I write articles and blogs for a few regional horse magazines.

Why Some Freelance Writers Earn Big Bucks While Most Slave for Peanuts

Do you sometimes feel like an easily replaceable cog in the vast wheel that is the freelance writing marketplace?
If so, you’re not alone.

How I Wised Up After 8 Years and Got My First Freelance Writing Contract

Eight years is a long time to not know what you’re doing as a freelance writer.
But that’s exactly how long it took me to figure out how to get serious and treat my freelance career as a business.
I hope my story helps you figure it out a lot faster than that.

The Secret Behind Every Successful Writer

When I first got into writing, I imagined I’d be living alone in some tiny apartment above a little boutique in some rundown alley, scribbling and starving.

So, What Exactly Does a Successful Freelance Writer DO?

Being a freelance writer sounds like a dream lifestyle to many people.
They think about the upside — “Yeah, working in my PJs, keeping my own hours, and not having a boss. Awesome!”

This Will Help You Solve the Freelance Writing Puzzle

The freelance writing game is a bit of a puzzle, isn’t it? One of those big, 1000-piece jigsaw puzzles that are half solid blue sky, I think.

How One Freelance Writer Made $11K in Her First Two Months

When I decided to take the leap and leave my corporate communications job for a full-time freelance writing career, I knew I’d make most of my money writing for businesses. So I spent entire days creating a spreadsheet of hundreds of potential clients to pitch.

Create Your Ultimate 2016 Freelance Success Plan (For Newbies and Pros)

Are you ready to earn a heck of a lot more from your writing in 2016? Good!
You might think it would be impossible for me to write a single post that tells every freelance writer out there how to find better clients and get paid more in the coming year…but that’s exactly what I’ve got for you.

Earn Big as a Ghostwriter — One Writer’s Tips

How do you get paid what you deserve while doing what you love?
I thought about that a lot back when my freelance work mainly included writing for blogs and a local newspaper.

3 Content Marketing Tips to Level Up Your Freelance Income

Many freelance writers find themselves in a tough bind. Even the good writers.
No matter how great your writing is, you aren’t making enough money. You write too many words for far too little money. You spend way too much time looking for the wrong gigs. It feels like you’re running in circles, going nowhere.

Yes, Shy Writers CAN Do In-Person Marketing

Are you an introvert? A lot of writers are. And I’m one of those shy writers.
You might think it’s a weakness that you’re not the super-social, outspoken type. Or that being an introvert leaves you nothing but low-paying crumbs to collect from mediocre clients. But that’s just not true.

4 Easy Freelance Marketing Ideas for the Holidays

It’s that most wonderful time of the year — for falling into the doldrums and slacking off on your freelance marketing, that is.
It’s easy to come up with reasons for not doing anything to line up new writing clients until January.
You think:

Asking for Referrals for Fraidy-Cat Freelance Writers

For some freelance writers, it seems like asking for referrals and selling comes easy. They have a huge network of people they’ve cultivated relationships with. Their network hooks them up with new clients. And it’s easy for the same freelance writers to talk about their business in any situation, and get referrals.

Tips for Using the Writer’s Market

One of our WM readers, Alice Knisley Matthias, wrote recently to ask if we could break down the best ways to use the Writer’s Market. I’m happy to answer that one today, as I highly recommend using the Writer’s Market to all the writers I mentor. It’s a great time to ask because the publication is changing and offering more options than ever to help writers.

21 Ways to Market Your Writing Services

In my mentoring work, I often find myself introducing my mentees to a basic fact of life for freelance writers: If you want to earn more, you’re going to need to market your business aggressively. Answering Craigslist or Kijiji ads is unlikely to get you $1 a word or $100 an hour gigs. To find really good-paying work, you will have to prospect.

21 Ways to Market Your Writing: The Social Media Edition

Earlier this week, I discussed 11 ways to market your writing services. In this post, we’ll delve into 10 more marketing methods, this time using social media and the Internet.

The Awesome Marketing Strategy Most Freelance Writers Are Doing Already

I often hear from freelance writers who say they suck at marketing. They hate cold calling! They’re too shy for in-person networking! Prospecting — ugh! Social media marketing — who has the time!

For Freelance Writers, The Recession is Over — So Start Your Marketing Engines

I hate to get cranky on everybody, but I’ve had it with the whining about  how hard it is to find good-paying freelance writing assignments in this terrible, down economy. The fact is, there are a lot of signs of recovery out there. A couple of them:

The Very Best Place Online for Freelance Writers

Earlier this week, I wrote about the many ways being fully booked helps your writing business. Obviously, I had a decent stable of clients…but I wasn’t at capacity. Finding a few new clients put me there.
Several readers asked if I could discuss the marketing strategies I used to help fill up my schedule. I’m happy to do so.

A Great Source of Hidden Writing Gigs Revealed

When writers think about pitching magazines, many tend to just think about well-known newsstand magazines. But there are a lot of hidden writing opportunities at magazines and other periodicals.

7 Steps to Finding Good-Paying Web Content Clients

In the big discussion of Demand Studios’ IPO last week, some questions came up about how to find better-paying clients. It’s something I’ve discussed before, but we can never talk enough about the many ways you can move up and earn more money here on MALW. So today, I thought I’d tackle one of the easiest types of clients to find — businesses that need Web content.

The 7 Most Important Tasks for Freelancers

Time. We’ve only got so much of it each day. For freelance writers who are also parents, we’ve certainly never got enough of it.

10 Reasons Why You’re Bombing in Social Media

Social media — is it getting you gigs? If not, let’s take a look at some possible reasons. Social media takes a pretty substantial time investment, so if you’re putting in the time, it darn well better bring you some real business. Or you should send direct-mail letters instead.

7 Networking Tips for Cowards

Does the idea of going to a live networking event make your stomach queasy and your palms greasy? We’re going to solve that problem right here, with some tips on how you can use in-person networking to grow your writing business, even if you’re petrified of meeting people face-to-face, hate crowds, or have full-on social anxiety.

Market Your Writing 40 Kick-Ass Ways — Learn How in One Hour

How do you market your writing? Some freelance writers might use a few different methods — maybe you’ve sent a query or two, used social media, and hit a networking event. Or maybe you don’t do any active marketing at all.

How I Got Two Great New Writing Clients — Guest Post

By James Patterson
After nine months of being a freelance writer, I’ve decided that marketing my business is like doing the dishes; I absolutely can’t stand doing it, but I feel so much better when it’s done.
I jumped into freelancing head first back in February, leaving my stifling full-time job to see if I could cut it on my own as a health and wellness writer.

Freelance Writing Success Tips – How to Get Your Web Site Up NOW

Welcome to a new feature on the blog — Freelance Writing Success Tips. I was planning to debut this feature in January to kick off the new year, but I just discovered a great resource for freelance writers and I couldn’t wait to share it.

How a Writer Can Move Up From Content Mills — Mailbag

On this edition of Mailbag, we tackle a question I get a lot: How can a freelance writer kick the content-mill habit and move up to better-paying clients?
On the recent post about Demand Studios’ IPO, reader Mike Biscoe was concerned about the revelation that DS doesn’t make a profit, which puts them at risk for going bust. An excerpt of his comments and questions:

40 Ways to Market Your Writing–Sneak Preview!

I’m so excited! The 40 Ways to Market Your Writing Webinar is tomorrow. Here’s a peek at some of the marketing questions we’ll be answering in this live, one-hour event:

My First Webinar: 7 Hard-Earned Lessons

So. Yesterday, as regular readers know, I presented my first paid, one-hour Webinar, on the topic 40 Ways to Market Your Writing. With Anne Wayman from About Freelance Writing.
It went great for the most part, in that the surveys were uniformly raves. All participants said they got loads of really useful information on how to market their writing.

Help! I Bungled a Writing-Client Meeting — Mailbag

Today, I’m reaching into my freelance-writer mailbag and answering a question I got from a participant in my recent 40 Ways to Market Your Writing webinar. Oscar emailed me after the session and told me he’d recently plunged into freelance writing after being laid off.

Will You Be Singing the Freelancer’s January Low-Income Blues?

I’ve noticed something about my freelance writing income. It always goes to crap in January.
Does this happen to you?
I’ve developed a theory about why the first month of the year is often a loser, and I’m going to test it out this year.

Contest for Writers: Win Free Copy of ’40 Ways to Market’ Audio

Are you a writer who’s hoping to ramp up their marketing next year — but you missed my 40 Ways to Market Your Writing Webinar with Anne Wayman from About Freelance Writing?

Do You Know These 8 Big-Money Writing Markets?

It’s one of the most frequently asked questions I get:
“Where are the good-paying clients? I don’t understand where they’re hiding.”
So today, I’m going to tell you. And they’re not exactly hiding, either. It’s that most freelance writers don’t target many of the best-paying client types in their marketing.

How to Get Noticed on Twitter — 15 Tips for Writers

Recently, I peeked in my mailbag and spied an urgent email from a reader of the blog. She was having trouble getting any traction in promoting her paid blogging gig on Twitter:

50 Ways to Get a Freelance Gig

When freelance writers tell me they’re having trouble finding gigs, I often find what they really mean is “I’m sending out lots of resumes to online job ads I find on Craigslist and not getting any bites.”
But there are many, many other ways to land a freelance-writing job.

10 Questions That Reveal Your Chances of Freelance Writing Success

Earlier this week, I had a new freelance writer ask me how much writers earn and how long it takes them to start earning. Unfortunately, industry averages don’t tell you anything about how you will do as a freelancer.
But I mentioned that in my experience mentoring freelance writers, I’ve discovered there are some basic factors that are strong predictors of freelance-writing success.

How One Freelance Writer Went From Hungry to Overbooked in 18 Months

I’ve written a lot on this blog about how I market my writing business.
But I’ll let you in on something: Since last summer, I haven’t had to actively market my freelance writing business.

5 Essential Facebook Tricks for Freelance Writers

By Alicia Rittenhouse
You have heard the buzz surrounding Facebook Pages and Facebook custom landing pages, but are you confused with what you should include as a writer? First off, you should have a Facebook fan page. Then, you should have at least the following on your page:

6 Simple Marketing Ideas for Motivated Freelance Writers

By Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg
Why have I asked a rabbi to guest on my freelance-writer blog? Well, he’s not just a rabbi — Rabbi Ginzberg is also a noted business-marketing expert. Every time I talk to him, I come away with a great idea that helps me start earning more right away. So I wanted him to share a few tips with you. Here they are:

The 20 Best Practical Tips for Freelance Writers

I knew you had something to share from your own freelance writer’s journey, when I asked you for your best advice last week.

How Freelance Writers Can Earn More With a Red Velvet Rope

Do you find yourself saying “Yes! Yes! Pick me!” to every possible writing offer that comes your way?
If so, how’s that working out for you — earning top dollar?
Probably not.

Will the Luck Fairy Bring You a Freelance Writing Gig?

Do you sometimes feel like other writers have it easier than you?
They tell you about the great clients they have, or the national magazine article they just wrote an article for…and you feel like it’s unfair.

3 Basic Reasons Many Freelance Writers Are Broke

By Carol Tice
Three years into the economic downturn, gripes about pay are still common among freelance writers. But there are still a lot of good-paying assignments out there.

One Writer’s Top 5 Lessons from Making 461 Cold Calls

by Sarah Maurer
In June 2010, I quit my job as a school counselor in Thailand, moved back to the States, and started my own freelance writing business.
Looking back, it was probably a stupid thing to do.

How a Freelance Writer Made Thousands in Extra Cash With Zero Additional Effort

Did you ever feel like you underbid a freelance writing job, and left money on the table?
It’s a common problem. Now that I’m listening to a lot of new writers in the Freelance Writers Den forums, I’m discovering that writers at all levels of experience have a strong tendency to bid too low.

5 LinkedIn Features Every Freelance Writer Should Use

By Susan Johnston
Are you on LinkedIn yet? If not, what are you waiting for?
This professional networking site has progressed beyond its early roots as a job-hunting tool and resume directory into a vibrant community of well-connected professionals in virtually every industry.

10 Best Articles for Writers – September 2011

Lately, I’ve been talking to a lot of freelance writers who have great portfolios but low incomes. Which I guess is why I have sales and marketing on the brain in this edition of our monthly Top 10.
These are all pretty recent vintage…seems like the last 10 days or so were red-hot for interesting articles on the business of writing. Lots of new folks here to follow, too.

The 10 Best Articles for Writers – October 2011

I just have to say — there’s been some tasty articles about freelancing out there this month! Most of these folks I’ve been reading quite a while, but some of them haven’t popped up on my monthly best-of lists until now. There are a few fresh new faces, too.
I’m seeing themes here of blogging best practices, and marketing tips. Enjoy!

5 Steps to Discover What a Publication Will Pay

I’ve gotten this question from several writers recently:
“I’m researching a new publication, and they seem like a fit for me. But I can’t tell what they pay, so I don’t know if it’s worth the time to develop a query letter for them.”

3 Ways Smartphone Apps Can Help Writers Get More Gigs

by Elizabeth Pagel-Hogan
As the mother of three, my smartphone is often more useful than my husband when it comes to entertaining the children, reminding me to administer antibiotics and making dinner reservations.

The One Best, Easy, Cheap Marketing Method for Freelance Writers

Of all the questions I get asked about freelance writing, there’s one that comes up over and over again. It’s about marketing.
The question takes many forms — here are a few I’ve gotten recently:

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #1: The Essential First Step

Quick: What’s the difference between a freelance-writing hobby and a freelance-writing business?
It’s just that simple. Writers who actively market their business find more and better clients, and end up making more money.

How to Get Your Marketing Done (Even if You Hate Marketing)

by Ed Gandia
When fellow freelance writers tell me how much they hate to market and sell their services, I know exactly what they’re talking about.

6 Things You’re Flubbing in Your Marketing Emails

I’ve been reading a lot of writers’ letters of introduction lately as part of an online-writing bootcamp I put on.
An LOI is a short email you send to introduce yourself to prospective businesses or trade-publication editors. These are also known as marketing emails or prospecting emails.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #2: The Easiest Promotional Tactic

Last week, I kicked off a Marketing 101 training course for freelance writers. If you missed our discussion of the critical first step, you might want to go back and read that one first. It’s important.

113 Things You Can Do to Grow Your Freelance Writing Income — Now

Aren’t you sick of the negativity out there in the freelance writing community? I know I am.
You know the spiel. Comments like:

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #3: Without This Tool, You’re Invisible

Freelance writers do different kinds of marketing.
Some writers like to make phone calls, some go to in person networking events and hand out business cards, some reach out on LinkedIn. Some send query letters.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #4: How to Get Great Clients in 60 Seconds

Ever been tongue-tied at a networking event?
Somebody asked, “And what do you do?”
And you said, “I’m a freelance writer.”
So far so good.

8 Steps to Making Your Freelance Writing Dreams Come True in 2012

by James Palmer
Well, another year has gone by. Didn’t make much progress on your freelance writing goals?
Don’t worry. There’s still hope.
Below are eight ways to finally make your freelance writing dreams come true:

3 Ways to Succeed as a Freelancer by Conducting Experiments

by Linda Formichelli
I see it all the time: Aspiring freelance writers stay stuck in newbie-land because they don’t know precisely what to do. They fear that they need to always be doing the exact right thing at the exact right time — or why bother?

How to Stop Your Freelance Writing Career from Slipping into the Twilight Zone

Have you picked up some new lingo recently?
Retweet. Blog. Hashtag. Friend. Like. New words, and old words with new meanings.
Freelance writers should pay close attention to these changes. Because words are powerful.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #6: What You Need Up Your Sleeve

Today, I only want to talk about one tiny thing. It’s usually less than three inches long.
But it can have an outsized impact on your freelance writing income.
Have you guessed? I’m talking business cards here, people.
That’s right, the marketing tool that’s older than dirt.

How I Made 6 Figures as a Freelance Writer in 2011

If you’re like me, shortly after 2011 ended you wondered: “How much did I earn from freelance writing this year?”
Last year I did a marketing analysis…and this year I wanted to take it a step further and do an income analysis.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #7: How to Get Gigs Flowing Your Way

It’s every writer’s dream: Great clients just call you, out of the blue, and ask you to write for them.
You don’t have to look at job ads, go to networking events, or make cold calls.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #8: How to Find Clients Without Clips

Does freelance writing seem like a closed club, and you can’t find the clubhouse door?
One writer told me this week:

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #9: How to Get Free, Targeted Online Ads

If I told you there was a way to get free online ads in front of your best target prospects that lasted nearly forever, would you believe me?
Well, there is.

How to Get Well-Paid Copywriting Jobs Without Being a Suck-Up

By James Brown
There are many ways of getting brand-new copywriting clients. However, some of them take a lot of effort and money. Some make you feel like you have to flatter and kiss up to prospects.

A 4-Step Guide To Finding Freelance Clients While You Exercise

Are you tired of competing with umpty-million writers for those low-paying jobs on Craigslist?
Is your belly getting flabbier thanks to all those hours in front of the computer?
There’s a way to solve both of these problems at once.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #11: Here’s Where the Good-Paying Clients are Hiding

Have you wondered if all the great-paying writing clients are hiding out together under a rock somewhere?
Writers constantly tell me they’ve looked and looked at those online job ads, but they can only find the $5-a-post gigs.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #12: The Quick Way to Hit a Ton of Prospects

Does it take you all day to write one prospecting email? Does writing a query letter to a magazine take you a week?
If doing written marketing triggers your perfection-itis gene and slows your marketing effort to crawl, know that there is a faster way.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #15: How to Earn More by Giving Stuff Away

My mission with this blog is to encourage writers to find better-paying gigs.
But sometimes, when it’s done strategically, doing free work can be a great marketing tool.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #16: How to Get Prospects Warmed Up

One writer recently asked me about how to reach out to trade publications and companies.
Unlike magazines, where you pitch a story idea in a query letter, it’s hard to know what sorts of articles this other kind of prospect would like.

What Advertisers Can Teach You About Marketing Your Writing: 3 Success Tips

by Jennifer Carsen
Regardless of what kind of writing you specialize in, there’s a lot to be learned from the world of advertising.
After all, if you can’t get your name out there, and convince potential clients that you’re the best person for the job,

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #17: How to Earn More Just From Schmoozing

In last week’s installment of Marketing 101, we learned that the most effective way to do nearly any form of marketing is to get a personal introduction to the editor or marketing manager you want to hire you.

Are You Letting Sleazebag Freelance Clients Get You Pregnant?

You were so excited when you first met.
A prospective new freelance writing client!
The romance was on.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #18: How to Get Clients the Lazy Way

If you’ve been following along in this marketing series, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed at this point. I know I’ve laid out a lot of different strategies for marketing your writing.

Is Being a Freelance Writer Really Hard?

Does trying to make it as a freelance writer
seem overwhelming sometimes?
I hear that a lot.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #19: The Amazing Strategy No One is Using

Writers are always asking me if I can tell them the one, best way to market their writing.
More exactly, you’d like to know the one, easiest, low-cost, and most effective way to market your writing.
Unfortunately, I can’t.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #20: Are You Missing This Key Ingredient?

If you’ve been following along in this marketing series, you know that we have covered a lot of ground.
We talked networking, cold calling, and warm emailing.

Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #21: Avoid Overwhelm and Hit Your Target

Today, I want to talk about one of the biggest problems afflicting freelance writers.
I’ve imparted a boatload of marketing ideas in the course of this marketing-basics series.
But there may still be a problem.

The 13 Business Bloggers All Freelance Writers Should Read to Earn More

As I’ve gone along building this blog, I’ve had a secret advantage. It’s my background in business.
Business reporting has always been my main beat. Hanging around businesses all that time, I learned a lot that helped me when it came time to run my own freelance-writing business.

How to Dig Out of the Content Mill Hole and Land a Client — Fast

By Elaine Yue
“You’re an idiot.”
That’s what I told myself after I spent three hours writing a 500-word article for a content mill.
What did it pay?

The 10-Step Guide to Fixing the Writer Website Fails That Cost You Clients

In Freelance Writers Den, I review a lot of writer websites. To sum up a lot, most of them don’t do a great job of selling that writer’s gifts. The sites have basic design or usability problems that are a real turnoff for clients.

How One Freelance Writer Got $1000s in New Projects…By Asking for Help

By Ben Gran
I’ve been a full-time freelance writer for almost two years, and last year I made more money than I’ve ever made in my life, primarily through Elance.

Two Easy Strategies That Eliminate Your Freelance Writing Mistakes

I get a lot of questions about how to break into freelance writing. And I can answer them all with two words.
If you do these two things, it will keep you out of a lot of trouble as a new writer.

5 Shortcuts New Freelance Writers Can Take to Jumpstart Their Careers

Nearly every freelance writer — or even aspiring freelance writer — I meet would like to know how to get there faster.

Celebrate Freedom With My Ultimate Freelance Writers’ Answer Post

For those writers who aren’t U.S.-based, let me clue you in: today is a big holiday over here.
But I didn’t want to leave you without answers to your freelance writing questions.

How to Get Your Very First Article Assignment

Once upon a time — okay, in the late 1980s — I was a starving songwriter. I had never written an article.
Also, there was no Internet.

10 Writer Websites That Kick Butt and Get Clients

Have you been wondering how to create a standout writer website that would impress clients and get you hired?
You know you need one. Without a site, it’s like you’re invisible. You just don’t seem legit, especially if you’re going after online markets.

The Writing Revelation That Changed How I View Myself as a Freelancer

By Marya Jan

I hate cold calling.
I hate interrupting someone’s day with my message.
Why should I ask for their time? I don’t want to impose. They don’t owe me anything.
We all feel that way, right? We come up with a long list of excuses detailing why we shouldn’t contact people.

Do Lowball Clients Drive You Insane and Make You Want to Quit Freelancing?

Ever feel like there are only cheapskate clients out there trying to hire freelance writers for pennies?
It can feel that way, if you’re not finding quality prospects.

Here’s How You Can Compete and Win Against All Those Established Writers

Does it seem like the impossible dream to move up and get good-paying writing clients?
If you’re a newbie, you can’t land bigger businesses that have ongoing work at great rates, right? That’s all sewn up by the established freelance writers.
I talk to a lot of writers who aren’t earning much.
I’m talking maybe $20,000 a year. Maybe $10,000 even.
It doesn’t usually take long to figure out why their income is so low.
They start asking me questions like:

23 Ways to Destroy Your Freelance Writing Career Before You Begin

By Uttoran Sen
The U.S. Small Business Administration says that half of all new businesses fail in the first five years.
Freelance businesses can fall apart even faster without careful planning, because there are no bank loans or investors to back you up – it’s just you and your business.

How to Win the Freelance Writing Game

Trying to make it as a freelance writer can feel a lot like trying to play a very complicated game — one where no one tells you the rules.
Well, today, I get out the freelance-writing game box, open it up, unfold the instruction sheet and lay it out for you.
There are basically two things you need to do a lot of to earn a good living as a freelance writer.

The Lowdown on What Freelancers Earn and How They Find Good Clients

Have you been wondering if you can really earn a good living as a freelance writer? Well, today, I’ve got some hard data to unpack for you about freelancers’ lives — what we’re earning and how we get good clients. The info comes from Ed Gandia’s 2012 Freelance Industry Report, a survey of more than 1,500