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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Angular 2 - User Input


When the user clicks a button, enters text or clicks a link, these user interactions will trigger DOM events. The below table describes how to bind to these events using Angular event binding syntax.

S.N.Event & Description
1 Binding to User Input Events
User can input the text or display the text value when you click on it by using the Angular event binding.
2 User Input from $event Object
You can display the input value by binding keyup event and displays the text back what user types onto the screen.
3 User Input from Local Template Variable
You can display the user data by using local template variable.
4 Key Event Filtering
User can display the data of input box by pressing 'Enter' key on the keyboard.
5 On Blur Event
You can make the input value blur by clicking the mouse outside of the input box on the page.

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