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Sunday, January 15, 2017

AWT Graphics Classes

Graphics controls allows application to draw onto the component or on image.

Graphics Controls

Sr. No.Control & Description
It is the top level abstract class for all graphics contexts.
It is a subclass of Graphics class and provides more sophisticated control over geometry, coordinate transformations, color management, and text layout.
Arc2D is the abstract superclass for all objects that store a 2D arc defined by a framing rectangle, start angle, angular extent (length of the arc), and a closure type (OPEN, CHORD, or PIE).
The CubicCurve2D class is the abstract superclass fpr all objects which store a 2D cubic curve segment and it defines a cubic parametric curve segment in (x,y) coordinate space.
The Ellipse2D is the abstract superclass for all objects which store a 2D ellipse and it describes an ellipse that is defined by a framing rectangle.
The Rectangle2D class is an abstract superclass for all objects that store a 2D rectangle and it describes a rectangle defined by a location (x,y) and dimension (w x h).
The QuadCurve2D class is an abstract superclass for all objects that store a 2D quadratic curve segment and it describes a quadratic parametric curve segment in (x,y) coordinate space.
This Line2D represents a line segment in (x,y) coordinate space.
The Font class represents fonts, which are used to render text in a visible way.
The Color class is used encapsulate colors in the default sRGB color space or colors in arbitrary color spaces identified by a ColorSpace.
The BasicStroke class defines a basic set of rendering attributes for the outlines of graphics primitives, which are rendered with a Graphics2D object that has its Stroke attribute set to this BasicStroke.

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