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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tcl - Arrays

An array is a systematic arrangement of a group of elements using indices. The syntax for the conventional array is shown below.
set ArrayName(Index) value
An example for creating simple array is shown below.

set languages(0) Tcl
set languages(1) "C Language"
puts $languages(0)
puts $languages(1)
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
C Language

Size of Array

The syntax for calculating size array is shown below.
[array size variablename]
An example for printing the size is shown below.

set languages(0) Tcl
set languages(1) "C Language"
puts  [array size languages]
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −

Array Iteration

Though, array indices can be non-continuous like values specified for index 1 then index 10 and so on. But, in case they are continuous, we can use array iteration to access elements of the array. A simple array iteration for printing elements of the array is shown below.

set languages(0) Tcl
set languages(1) "C Language"
for { set index 0 }  { $index < [array size languages] }  { incr index } {
   puts "languages($index) : $languages($index)"
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
languages(0) : Tcl
languages(1) : C Language

Associative Arrays

In Tcl, all arrays by nature are associative. Arrays are stored and retrieved without any specific order. Associative arrays have an index that is not necessarily a number, and can be sparsely populated. A simple example for associative array with non-number indices is shown below.

set personA(Name) "Dave"
set personA(Age) 14
puts  $personA(Name)
puts  $personA(Age)
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −

Indices of Array

The syntax for retrieving indices of array is shown below.
[array names variablename]
An example for printing the size is shown below.

set personA(Name) "Dave"
set personA(Age) 14
puts [array names personA]
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
Age Name

Iteration of Associative Array

You can use the indices of array to iterate through the associative array. An example is shown below.

set personA(Name) "Dave"
set personA(Age) 14
foreach index [array names personA] {
   puts "personA($index): $personA($index)"
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
personA(Age): 14
personA(Name): Dave

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