Thursday, January 19, 2017

Java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock Class


The java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock class is a family of character subsets representing the character blocks in the Unicode specification. Character blocks generally define characters used for a specific script or purpose.

Class declaration

Following is the declaration for java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock class:
public static final class Character.UnicodeBlock
   extends Character.Subset


Following are the fields for java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock class:
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock AEGEAN_NUMBERS -- This is a Constant for the "Aegean Numbers" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock ALPHABETIC_PRESENTATION_FORMS -- This is a Constant for the "Alphabetic Presentation Forms" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock ARABIC -- This is a Constant for the "Arabic" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock ARABIC_PRESENTATION_FORMS_A -- This is a Constant for the "Arabic Presentation Forms-A" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock ARABIC_PRESENTATION_FORMS_B -- This is a Constant for the "Arabic Presentation Forms-B" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock ARMENIAN -- This is a Constant for the "Armenian" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock ARROWS -- This is a Constant for the "Arrows" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock BASIC_LATIN -- This is a Constant for the "Basic Latin" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock BENGALI -- This is a Constant for the "Bengali" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock BLOCK_ELEMENTS -- This is a Constant for the "Block Elements" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock BOPOMOFO -- This is a Constant for the "Bopomofo" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock BOPOMOFO_EXTENDED -- This is a Constant for the "Bopomofo Extended" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock BOX_DRAWING -- This is a Constant for the "Box Drawing" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock BRAILLE_PATTERNS -- This is a Constant for the "Braille Patterns" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock BUHID -- This is a Constant for the "Buhid" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock BYZANTINE_MUSICAL_SYMBOLS -- This is a Constant for the "Byzantine Musical Symbols" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CHEROKEE -- This is a Constant for the "Cherokee" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CJK_COMPATIBILITY -- This is a Constant for the "CJK Compatibility" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CJK_COMPATIBILITY_FORMS -- This is a Constant for the "CJK Compatibility Forms" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CJK_COMPATIBILITY_IDEOGRAPHS -- This is a Constant for the "CJK Compatibility Ideographs" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CJK_COMPATIBILITY_IDEOGRAPHS_SUPPLEMENT -- This is a Constant for the "CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CJK_RADICALS_SUPPLEMENT -- This is a Constant for the "CJK Radicals Supplement" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CJK_SYMBOLS_AND_PUNCTUATION -- This is a Constant for the "CJK Symbols and Punctuation" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS -- This is a Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_A -- This is a Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_B -- This is a Constant for the "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock COMBINING_DIACRITICAL_MARKS -- This is a Constant for the "Combining Diacritical Marks" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock COMBINING_HALF_MARKS -- This is a Constant for the "Combining Half Marks" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock COMBINING_MARKS_FOR_SYMBOLS -- This is a Constant for the "Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CONTROL_PICTURES -- This is a Constant for the "Control Pictures" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CURRENCY_SYMBOLS -- This is a Constant for the "Currency Symbols" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CYPRIOT_SYLLABARY -- This is a Constant for the "Cypriot Syllabary" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CYRILLIC -- This is a Constant for the "Cyrillic" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock CYRILLIC_SUPPLEMENTARY -- This is a Constant for the "Cyrillic Supplementary" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock DESERET -- This is a Constant for the "Deseret" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock DEVANAGARI -- This is a Constant for the "Devanagari" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock DINGBATS -- This is a Constant for the "Dingbats" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock ENCLOSED_ALPHANUMERICS -- This is a Constant for the "Enclosed Alphanumerics" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock ENCLOSED_CJK_LETTERS_AND_MONTHS -- This is a Constant for the "Enclosed CJK Letters and Months" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock ETHIOPIC -- This is a Constant for the "Ethiopic" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock GENERAL_PUNCTUATION -- This is a Constant for the "General Punctuation" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock GEOMETRIC_SHAPES -- This is a Constant for the "Geometric Shapes" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock GEORGIAN -- This is a Constant for the "Georgian" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock GOTHIC -- This is a Constant for the "Gothic" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock GREEK -- This is a Constant for the "Greek and Coptic" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock GREEK_EXTENDED -- This is a Constant for the "Greek Extended" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock GUJARATI -- This is a Constant for the "Gujarati" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock GURMUKHI -- This is a Constant for the "Gurmukhi" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock HALFWIDTH_AND_FULLWIDTH_FORMS -- This is a Constant for the "Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock HANGUL_COMPATIBILITY_JAMO -- This is a Constant for the "Hangul Compatibility Jamo" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock HANGUL_JAMO -- This is a Constant for the "Hangul Jamo" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock HANGUL_SYLLABLES -- This is a Constant for the "Hangul Syllables" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock HANUNOO -- This is a Constant for the "Hanunoo" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock HEBREW -- This is a Constant for the "Hebrew" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock HIGH_PRIVATE_USE_SURROGATES -- This is a Constant for the "High Private Use Surrogates" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock HIGH_SURROGATES -- This is a Constant for the "High Surrogates" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock HIRAGANA -- This is a Constant for the "Hiragana" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock IDEOGRAPHIC_DESCRIPTION_CHARACTERS -- This is a Constant for the "Ideographic Description Characters" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock IPA_EXTENSIONS -- This is a Constant for the "IPA Extensions" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock KANBUN -- This is a Constant for the "Kanbun" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock KANGXI_RADICALS -- This is a Constant for the "Kangxi Radicals" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock KANNADA -- This is a Constant for the "Kannada" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock KATAKANA -- This is a Constant for the "Katakana" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock KATAKANA_PHONETIC_EXTENSIONS -- This is a Constant for the "Katakana Phonetic Extensions" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock KHMER -- This is a Constant for the "Khmer" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock KHMER_SYMBOLS -- This is a Constant for the "Khmer Symbols" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock LAO -- This is a Constant for the "Lao" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT -- This is a Constant for the "Latin-1 Supplement" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock LATIN_EXTENDED_A -- This is a Constant for the "Latin Extended-A" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock LATIN_EXTENDED_ADDITIONAL -- This is a Constant for the "Latin Extended Additional" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock LATIN_EXTENDED_B -- This is a Constant for the "Latin Extended-B" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock LETTERLIKE_SYMBOLS -- This is a Constant for the "Letterlike Symbols" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock LIMBU -- This is a Constant for the "Limbu" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock LINEAR_B_IDEOGRAMS -- This is a Constant for the "Linear B Ideograms" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock LINEAR_B_SYLLABARY -- This is a Constant for the "Linear B Syllabary" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock LOW_SURROGATES -- This is a Constant for the "Low Surrogates" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock MALAYALAM -- This is a Constant for the "Malayalam" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock MATHEMATICAL_ALPHANUMERIC_SYMBOLS -- This is a Constant for the "Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols" Unicode character block
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock MATHEMATICAL_OPERATORS -- This is a Constant for the "Mathematical Operators" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock MISCELLANEOUS_MATHEMATICAL_SYMBOLS_A -- This is a Constant for the "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock MISCELLANEOUS_MATHEMATICAL_SYMBOLS_B -- This is a Constant for the "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock MISCELLANEOUS_SYMBOLS -- This is a Constant for the "Miscellaneous Symbols" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock MISCELLANEOUS_SYMBOLS_AND_ARROWS -- This is a Constant for the "Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock MISCELLANEOUS_TECHNICAL -- This is a Constant for the "Miscellaneous Technical" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock MONGOLIAN -- This is a Constant for the "Mongolian" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock MUSICAL_SYMBOLS -- This is a Constant for the "Musical Symbols" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock MYANMAR -- This is a Constant for the "Myanmar" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock NUMBER_FORMS -- This is a Constant for the "Number Forms" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock OGHAM -- This is a Constant for the "Ogham" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock OLD_ITALIC -- This is a Constant for the "Old Italic" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock OPTICAL_CHARACTER_RECOGNITION -- This is a Constant for the "Optical Character Recognition" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock ORIYA -- This is a Constant for the "Oriya" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock OSMANYA -- This is a Constant for the "Osmanya" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock PHONETIC_EXTENSIONS -- This is a Constant for the "Phonetic Extensions" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock PRIVATE_USE_AREA -- This is a Constant for the "Private Use Area" Unicode character bloc
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock RUNIC -- This is a Constant for the "Runic" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SHAVIAN -- This is a Constant for the "Shavian" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SINHALA -- This is a Constant for the "Sinhala" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SMALL_FORM_VARIANTS -- This is a Constant for the "Small Form Variants" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SPACING_MODIFIER_LETTERS -- This is a Constant for the "Spacing Modifier Letters" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SPECIALS -- This is a Constant for the "Specials" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SUPERSCRIPTS_AND_SUBSCRIPTS -- This is a Constant for the "Superscripts and Subscripts" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_A -- This is a Constant for the "Supplemental Arrows-A" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_B -- This is a Constant for the "Supplemental Arrows-B" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SUPPLEMENTAL_MATHEMATICAL_OPERATORS -- This is a Constant for the "Supplemental Mathematical Operators" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SUPPLEMENTARY_PRIVATE_USE_AREA_A -- This is a Constant for the "Supplementary Private Use Area-A" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SUPPLEMENTARY_PRIVATE_USE_AREA_B -- This is a Constant for the "Supplementary Private Use Area-B" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock SYRIAC -- This is a Constant for the "Syriac" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock TAGALOG -- This is a Constant for the "Tagalog" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock TAGBANWA -- This is a Constant for the "Tagbanwa" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock TAGS -- This is a Constant for the "Tags" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock TAI_LE -- This is a Constant for the "Tai Le" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock TAI_XUAN_JING_SYMBOLS -- This is a Constant for the "Tai Xuan Jing Symbols" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock TAMIL -- This is a Constant for the "Tamil" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock TELUGU -- This is a Constant for the "Telugu" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock THAANA -- This is a Constant for the "Thaana" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock THAI -- This is a Constant for the "Thai" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock TIBETAN -- This is a Constant for the "Tibetan" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock UGARITIC -- This is a Constant for the "Ugaritic" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock UNIFIED_CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL_SYLLABICS -- This is a Constant for the "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock VARIATION_SELECTORS -- This is a Constant for the "Variation Selectors" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock VARIATION_SELECTORS_SUPPLEMENT -- This is a Constant for the "Variation Selectors Supplement" Unicode character bloc
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock YI_RADICALS -- This is a Constant for the "Yi Radicals" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock YI_SYLLABLES -- This is a Constant for the "Yi Syllables" Unicode character block.
  • static Character.UnicodeBlock YIJING_HEXAGRAM_SYMBOLS -- This is a Constant for the "Yijing Hexagram Symbols" Unicode character block.

Class methods

S.N. Method & Description
1 static Character.UnicodeBlock forName(String blockName)
This method returns the UnicodeBlock with the given name.
2 static Character.UnicodeBlock of(char c)
This method returns the object representing the Unicode block containing the given character, or null if the character is not a member of a defined block.
3 static Character.UnicodeBlock of(int codePoint)
This method returns the object representing the Unicode block containing the given character (Unicode code point), or null if the character is not a member of a defined block.

Methods inherited

This class inherits methods from the following classes:
  • java.lang.Character.Subset
  • java.lang.Object

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