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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Foundation - Sass Functions

Foundation provides set of SASS utility functions which can be used with util, color, selector, unit, value and many more utilities.
You can import all utility files at a time by using below line of code:
@import 'util/util';
or even you can import individual utility file as shown below:
@import 'util/color'; 

@import 'util/selector'; 

@import 'util/unit'; 

@import 'util/value';

Sass Reference

You can change the styles of the components by using following SASS functions.


It provides foreground color for the elements based on the background color. It uses below format for assigning different types of parameters:
foreground($color, $yes, $no, $threshold)
The above parameters are specified in the below table:
S.N.Parameter & DescriptionTypeDefault Value
1 $color
It checks the lightness of the color.
Color None
2 $yes
If color is light, then it returns the $yes color.
Color $black
3 $no
If color is dark, then it returns the $no color.
Color $white
4 $threshold
It represents the threshold of the lightness.
Percentage 60%


It provides appropriate color for the elements according to its lightness. It uses below format for specifying appropriate color:
smart-scale($color, $scale, $threshold)
The above parameters are specified in the below table:
S.N.Parameter & DescriptionTypeDefault Value
1 $color
It is used to scale the color.
Color None
2 $scale
It specifies the percentage to scale up or down.
Percentage 5%
3 $threshold
It represents the threshold of the lightness.
Percentage 40%


It creates a selector while using text input type. It uses below format for specifying input types:
It uses the parameter as specified in the below table:
S.N.Parameter & DescriptionTypeDefault Value
1 $types
It provides number of text input types for generating a selector.
Color -


It removes the unit from the value and returns only the number. It uses below format for removing the unit from value:
It uses the parameter as specified in the below table:
S.N.Parameter & DescriptionTypeDefault Value
1 $num
It specifies the number when you remove the unit from the value.
Color None


It changes the pixel value to matching rem values. It uses below format for converting pixel values to rem values:
rem-calc($values, $base)
It uses following parameters as specified in the table:
S.N.Parameter & DescriptionTypeDefault Value
1 $values
It converts pixel values to rem values and separate them using spaces. If you are converting comma separated list, then wrap list in parentheses.
Number or List None
2 $base
It provides base value while converting pixel to rem value. If there is null value for the base, then function uses $base-font-size variable as the base.
Number null


It specifies the value if it is not falsey. The falsey values include null, none, 0 or an empty list. It uses below format for specifying the value:
It uses the parameter as specified in the below table:
S.N.Parameter & DescriptionTypeDefault Value
1 $val
It checks the specified value.
Mixed None


It specifies the side of a value and defines top/right/bottom/left values on padding, margin etc. It uses below format for specifying the side of a value:
It uses following parameters as specified in the table:
S.N.Parameter & DescriptionTypeDefault Value
1 $val
It specifies the side of a value.
List or Number None
2 $side
It determines on which side(top/right/bottom/left) value should return.
Keyword None


It determines the border value of an element. It uses below format for specifying the border value:
get-border-value($val, $elem)
It uses following parameters as specified in the table:
S.N.Parameter & DescriptionTypeDefault Value
1 $val
It finds a specific value of the border.
List None
2 $elem
It is used to extract the border component.
Keyword None

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