Saturday, February 18, 2017

Foundation - Global Styles

In this chapter let's study about Global Styles. The global CSS of Foundation framework includes useful resets that makes sure styling is consistent across browsers.

Font Sizing

The font size of the browser style sheet is set to 100% by default. The default font size is set to 16 pixels. Depending on font size, calculation of the grid size is made. To have distinct base font size and unaffected grid breakpoints, set $rem-base to $global-font-size value, which must be in pixels.


Interactive elements like links and buttons use default shade of blue which comes from SASS variable $primary-color. Components can also have colors such as: secondary, alert, success and warning. For more information check here.

SASS Reference


The below table lists the SASS variables, which are used to customize the default styles of components in your project _settings.scss.
S.N.Name & DescriptionTypeDefault Value
1 $global-width
It represents site's global width. Used to determine grid's row width.
Number rem-calc(1200)
2 $global-font-size
It represents the font size applied to <html> and <body>. It is set 100% by default and user's browser settings value will be inherited.
Number 100%
3 $global-lineheight
It represents all types default line height. $global-lineheight will be 24px while $global-font-size set to 16px.
Number 1.5
4 $primary-color
It represents color for interactive components such as links and buttons.
Color #2199e8
5 $secondary-color
It is used with components which supports .secondary class.
Color #777
6 $success-color
It represents the positive status or action when used with .success class.
Color #3adb76
7 $warning-color
It represents a caution status or action when used with .warning class.
Color #ffae00
8 $alert-color
It represents a negative status or action when used with .alert class.
Color #ec5840
9 $light-gray
It is used for light gray UI items.
Color #e6e6e6
10 $medium-gray
It is used for medium gray UI items.
Color #cacaca
11 $dark-gray
It is used for dark gray UI items.
Color #8a8a8a
12 $black
It is used for black UI items.
Color #0a0a0a
13 $white
It is used for white UI items.
Color #fefefe
14 $body-background
It represents the background color of the body.
Color $white
15 $body-font-color
It represents the text color of the body.
Color $black
16 $body-font-family
It represents the list of fonts of the body.
List 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif
17 $body-antialiased
Antialiased type is enabled by setting this attribute to true, by using the CSS properties -webkit-font-smoothing and -moz-osx-font-smoothing.
Boolean true
18 $global-margin
It represents global margin value on components.
Number 1rem
19 $global-padding
It represents global padding value on components.
Number 1rem
20 $global-margin
It represents global margin value used between components.
Number 1rem
21 $global-weight-normal
It represents global font weight for normal type.
Keyword or Number normal
22 $global-weight-bold
It represents global font weight for bold type.
Keyword or Number bold
23 $global-radius
It represents all elements global value which has a border radius.
Number 0
24 $global-text-direction
It sets the text direction of the CSS to ltr or rtl


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