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Monday, February 6, 2017

Pascal - File Handling

Pascal treats a file as a sequence of components, which must be of uniform type. A file's type is determined by the type of the components. File data type is defined as −
file-name = file of base-type;
Where, the base-type indicates the type of the components of the file. The base type could be anything like, integer, real, Boolean, enumerated, subrange, record, arrays and sets except another file type. Variables of a file type are created using the var declaration −
f1, f2,...: file-name;
Following are some examples of defining some file types and file variables −
   rfile = file of real;
   ifile = file of integer;
   bfile = file of boolean;
   datafile = file of record
   arrfile = file of array[1..4] of integer;

   marks: arrfile;
   studentdata: datafile;
   rainfalldata: rfile;
   tempdata: ifile;
   choices: bfile;

Creating and Writing to a File

Let us write a program that would create a data file for students' records. It would create a file named students.dat and write a student's data into it −
program DataFiles;
   StudentRecord = Record
      s_name: String;
      s_addr: String;
      s_batchcode: String;

   Student: StudentRecord;
   f: file of StudentRecord;

   Student.s_name := 'John Smith';
   Student.s_addr := 'United States of America';
   Student.s_batchcode := 'Computer Science';
When compiled and run, the program would create a file named students.dat into the working directory. You can open the file using a text editor, like notepad, to look at John Smith's data.

Reading from a File

We have just created and written into a file named students.dat. Now, let us write a program that would read the student's data from the file −
program DataFiles;
   StudentRecord = Record
      s_name: String;
      s_addr: String;
      s_batchcode: String;

   Student: StudentRecord;
   f: file of StudentRecord;

   assign(f, 'students.dat');
   while not eof(f) do
      writeln('Name: ',Student.s_name);
      writeln('Address: ',Student.s_addr);
      writeln('Batch Code: ', Student.s_batchcode);
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
Name: John Smith
Address: United States of America
Batch Code: Computer Science

Files as Subprogram Parameter

Pascal allows file variables to be used as parameters in standard and user-defined subprograms. The following example illustrates this concept. The program creates a file named rainfall.txt and stores some rainfall data. Next, it opens the file, reads the data and computes the average rainfall.
Please note that, if you use a file parameter with subprograms, it must be declared as a var parameter.
program addFiledata;
   MAX = 4;
   raindata = file of real;

   rainfile: raindata;
   filename: string;
procedure writedata(var f: raindata);

   data: real;
   i: integer;

   rewrite(f, sizeof(data));
   for i:=1 to MAX do
      writeln('Enter rainfall data: ');
      write(f, data);

procedure computeAverage(var x: raindata);
   d, sum: real;
   average: real;

   sum:= 0.0;
   while not eof(x) do
      read(x, d);
      sum := sum + d;
   average := sum/MAX;
   writeln('Average Rainfall: ', average:7:2);

   writeln('Enter the File Name: ');
   assign(rainfile, filename);
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
Enter the File Name:
Enter rainfall data:
Enter rainfall data:
Enter rainfall data:
Enter rainfall data:
Average Rainfall: 53.25

Text Files

A text file, in Pascal, consists of lines of characters where each line is terminated with an end-of-line marker. You can declare and define such files as −
file-name = text;
Difference between a normal file of characters and a text file is that a text file is divided into lines, each terminated by a special end-of-line marker, automatically inserted by the system. The following example creates and writes into a text file named contact.txt −
program exText;
   filename, data: string;
   myfile: text;

   writeln('Enter the file name: ');
   assign(myfile, filename);
   writeln(myfile, 'Note to Students: ');
   writeln(myfile, 'For details information on Pascal Programming');
   writeln(myfile, 'Contact: Tutorials Point');
   writeln('Completed writing'); 
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
Enter the file name:
Completed writing

Appending to a File

Appending to a file means writing to an existing file that already has some data without overwriting the file. The following program illustrates this −
program exAppendfile;
   myfile: text;
   info: string;

   assign(myfile, 'contact.txt');
   writeln('Contact Details');
   (* let us read from this file *)
   assign(myfile, 'contact.txt');
   while not eof(myfile) do
      readln(myfile, info);
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
Contact Details
Note to Students:
For details information on Pascal Programming
Contact: Tutorials Point

File Handling Functions

Free Pascal provides the following functions/procedures for file handling −
Sr.No. Function Name & Description
1 procedure Append(var t: Text);
Opens a file in append mode
2 procedure Assign(out f: file; const Name:);
Assigns a name to a file
3 procedure Assign(out f: file; p: PChar);
Assigns a name to a file
4 procedure Assign(out f: file; c: Char);
Assigns a name to a file
5 procedure Assign(out f: TypedFile; const Name:);
Assigns a name to a file
6 procedure Assign(out f: TypedFile; p: PChar);
Assigns a name to a file
7 procedure Assign(out f: TypedFile; c: Char);
Assigns a name to a file
8 procedure Assign(out t: Text; const s:);
Assigns a name to a file
9 procedure Assign(out t: Text; p: PChar);
Assigns a name to a file
10 procedure Assign(out t: Text; c: Char);
Assigns a name to a file
11 procedure BlockRead(var f: file; var Buf; count: Int64; var Result: Int64);
Reads data from a file into memory
12 procedure BlockRead(var f: file; var Buf; count: LongInt; var Result: LongInt);
Reads data from a file into memory
13 procedure BlockRead(var f: file; var Buf; count: Cardinal; var Result: Cardinal);
Reads data from a file into memory
14 procedure BlockRead(var f: file; var Buf; count: Word; var Result: Word);
Reads data from a file into memory
15 procedure BlockRead(var f: file; var Buf; count: Word; var Result: Integer);
Reads data from a file into memory
16 procedure BlockRead(var f: file; var Buf; count: Int64);
Reads data from a file into memory
17 procedure BlockWrite(var f: file; const Buf; Count: Int64; var Result: Int64);
Writes data from memory to a file
18 procedure BlockWrite(var f: file; const Buf; Count: LongInt; var Result: LongInt);
Writes data from memory to a file
19 procedure BlockWrite(var f: file; const Buf; Count: Cardinal; var Result: Cardinal);
Writes data from memory to a file
20 procedure BlockWrite(var f: file; const Buf; Count: Word; var Result: Word);
Writes data from memory to a file
21 procedure BlockWrite(var f: file; const Buf; Count: Word; var Result: Integer);
Writes data from memory to a file
22 procedure BlockWrite(var f: file; const Buf; Count: LongInt);
Writes data from memory to a file
23 procedure Close(var f: file);
Closes a file
24 procedure Close(var t: Text);
Closes a file
25 function EOF(var f: file):Boolean;
Checks for end of file
26 function EOF(var t: Text):Boolean;
Checks for end of file
27 function EOF: Boolean;
Checks for end of file
28 function EOLn(var t: Text):Boolean;
Checks for end of line
29 function EOLn: Boolean;
Checks for end of line
30 procedure Erase(var f: file);
Deletes file from disk
31 procedure Erase(var t: Text);
Deletes file from disk
32 function FilePos( var f: file):Int64;
Position in file
33 function FileSize(var f: file):Int64;
Size of file
34 procedure Flush(var t: Text);
Writes file buffers to disk
35 function IOResult: Word;
Returns result of last file IO operation
36 procedure Read(var F: Text; Args: Arguments);
Reads from file into variable
37 procedure Read(Args: Arguments);
Reads from file into variable
38 procedure ReadLn(var F: Text; Args: Arguments);
Reads from file into variable and goto next line
39 procedure ReadLn(Args: Arguments);
Reads from file into variable and goto next line
40 procedure Rename(var f: file; const s:);
Renames file on disk
41 procedure Rename(var f: file; p: PChar);
Renames file on disk
42 procedure Rename(var f: file; c: Char);
Renames file on disk
43 procedure Rename(var t: Text; const s);
Rename file on disk
44 procedure Rename(var t: Text; p: PChar);
Renames file on disk
45 procedure Rename( var t: Text; c: Char);
Renames file on disk
46 procedure Reset(var f: file; l: LongInt);
Opens file for reading
47 procedure Reset(var f: file);
Opens file for reading
48 procedure Reset(var f: TypedFile);
Opens file for reading
49 procedure Reset(var t: Text);
Opens file for reading
50 procedure Rewrite(var f: file; l: LongInt);
Opens file for writing
51 procedure Rewrite(var f: file);
Opens file for writing
52 procedure Rewrite(var f: TypedFile);
Opens file for writing
53 procedure Rewrite(var t: Text);
Opens file for writing
54 procedure Seek(var f: file; Pos: Int64);
Sets file position
55 function SeekEOF(var t: Text):Boolean;
Sets file position to end of file
56 function SeekEOF: Boolean;
Sets file position to end of file
57 function SeekEOLn(var t: Text):Boolean;
Sets file position to end of line
58 function SeekEOLn: Boolean;
Sets file position to end of line
59 procedure SetTextBuf(var f: Text; var Buf);
Sets size of file buffer
60 procedure SetTextBuf(var f: Text; var Buf; Size: SizeInt);
Sets size of file buffer
61 procedure Truncate(var F: file);
Truncate the file at position
62 procedure Write(Args: Arguments);
Writes variable to file
63 procedure Write(var F: Text; Args: Arguments);
Write variable to file
64 procedure Writeln(Args: Arguments);
Writes variable to file and append newline
65 procedure WriteLn(var F: Text; Args: Arguments);
Writes variable to file and append newline

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