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Monday, February 13, 2017

Aurelia - Refs

In this short chapter we will show you simple example of Aurelia refs. We can use it to create a reference to a particular object. We can create a reference to elements or attributes, as seen in the following table.

Reference Table

Example Description
ref="myRef" Used for creating a reference to DOM element.
attribute-name.ref="myRef" Used for creating a reference to custom attribute's view-model.
view-model.ref="myRef Used for creating a reference to custom element's view-model.
view.ref="myRef" Used for creating a reference to custom elements view instance.
rcontroller.ref="myRef" Used for creating a reference to custom element's controller instance.
In our example we will show you how to create a reference to input element. We will use default class syntax as a view-model.


export class App { }    
We are creating a reference to input element by adding ref="name" attribute.


   <input type = "text" ref = "name"><br/>
When we run the app, we will see that the text entered into input field is rendered on screen.
Aurelia Refs Example

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