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Friday, February 17, 2017

Ext.js - Layouts

Layout is the way the elements are arranged in a container. That could be horizontal, vertical or any other. Ext JS has different layout defined in its library but we can always write custom layouts as well.

S.N. Layout & Description
1 Absolute This layout allows to position the items using XY coordinates in the container.
2 Accordion This layout allows to place all the items in stack fashion (one on top of other) inside container.
3 Anchor This layout gives the privilege to the user to give the size of each element with respect to the container size.
4 Border In this layout various panels are nested and separated by borders.
5 Auto This is the default layout decides the layout of the elements based on the number of elements.
6 Card(TabPanel) This layout arranges different components in tab fashion. Tabs will be displayed on top of the container.Every time only one tab is visible and each tab is considered as different component.
7 Card(Wizard) In this layout every time the elements comes for full container space. There would be a bottom tool bar in the wizard for navigation.
8 Column This layout is to show multiple columns in the container. We can define fixed or percentage width to the columns. The percentage width will be calculated based on the full size of the container.
9 Fit In this layout the container is filled with a single panel and when there is no specific requirement related to the layout then this layout is used.
10 Table As name implies this layout arranges the components in container in the HTML table format.
11 vBox This layout allows the element to be distributed in the vertical manner. This is one of the mostly used layout.
12 hBox This layout allows the element to be distributed in the horizontal manner.

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