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Friday, February 17, 2017

ES6 - Number

The Number object represents numerical date, either integers or floating-point numbers. In general, you do not need to worry about Number objects because the browser automatically converts number literals to instances of the number class.

Following is the syntax for creating a number object.
var val = new Number(number); 
In the place of number, if you provide any non-number argument, then the argument cannot be converted into a number, it returns NaN (Not-a-Number).

Number Properties

Sr.No Property & Description
1 Number.EPSILON The smallest interval between two representable numbers.
2 Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER The maximum safe integer in JavaScript (2^53 - 1).
3 Number.MAX_VALUE The largest positive representable number.
4 MIN_SAFE_INTEGER The minimum safe integer in JavaScript (-(2^53 - 1)).
5 Number.MIN_VALUE The smallest positive representable number - that is, the positive number closest to zero (without actually being zero)
6 Number.Nan Special "not a number" value
7 Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY Special value representing negative infinity; returned on overflow
8 Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY Special value representing infinity; returned on overflow
9 Number.prototype Special value representing infinity; returned on overflow

Number Methods

Sr.No Method & Description
1 Number.isNaN() Determines whether the passed value is NaN.
2 Number.isFinite() Determines whether the passed value is a finite number.
3 Number.isInteger() Determines whether the passed value is an integer.
4 Number.isSafeInteger() Determines whether the passed value is a safe integer (number between -(253 - 1) and 253- 1)
5 Number.parseFloat() The value is the same as parseFloat() of the global object
6 Number.parseInt() The value is the same as parseInt() of the global object

Number Instances Methods

The Number object contains only the default methods that are a part of every object's definition.
Sr.No Instance Method & Description
1 toExponential() Returns a string representing the number in exponential notation
2 toFixed() Returns a string representing the number in fixed-point notation
3 toLocaleString() Returns a string with a language sensitive representation of this number
4 toPrecision() Returns a string representing the number to a specified precision in fixed-point or exponential notation
5 toString() Returns a string representing the specified object in the specified radix (base)
6 valueOf() Returns the primitive value of the specified object.

Binary and Octal Literals

Before ES6, your best bet when it comes to binary or octal representation of integers was to just pass them to parseInt() with the radix. In ES6, you could use the 0b and 0o prefix to represent binary and octal integer literals respectively. Similarly, to represent a hexadecimal value, use the 0x prefix.
The prefix can be written in upper or lower case. However, it is suggested to stick to the lowercase version.
Example − Binary Representation
The following output is displayed on successful execution of the above code.
Example − Octal Representation
The following output is displayed on successful execution of the above code.
Example − Hexadecimal Representation
The following output is displayed on successful execution of the above code.

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