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Friday, February 17, 2017

EmberJS - Overview

What is Ember.js?

Ember.js is an open source JavaScript client-side framework for developing the web applications and uses the MVC(Model-View-Controller) architecture pattern. In Ember.js, route is used as model, handlebar template as view and controller manipulates the data in the model.


Original name of the Ember.js was SproutCore MVC framework. It was developed by Yehuda Katz and initially released on in December 2011.

Why to use Ember

  • Ember.js is an open source JavaScript framework under (MIT license).
  • It is a flexible framework that embraces the concept of fast web page. It allows to speed up the performance of your application without reloading the whole page.
  • It has the handlebars templating library which is similar as HTML and also embed an expressions that changes the display.
  • Ember.js application is a smaller in size compared to an other Javascript libraries.
  • The data binding is fully supported which creates the link between two properties and when one property changes, the other property will get update to the new value.


  • Ember.js is used for to creating reusable and maintainable JavaScript web applications.
  • Ember.js views are created by using Handlebars templates and are simple to develop the front-end design.
  • It automatically determines the route and controller during declaration of the route resources.
  • Ember.js eliminates the boilerplate(the section of code that has to be included in various places without any alteration) and provides standard application architecture.
  • Ember.js has HTML and CSS at the core of the development model.
  • The routes are core features of the Ember.js which are used for to manage an URL's.
  • It has extensive view type support.
  • Ember.js uses templates that helps to automatically update the model, if contents of an applications gets change.

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