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Monday, February 20, 2017

Grav - Development

You can build the Grav with different types of Development such as Grav Core, Grav Plugins, Grav Skeleton and Grav Themes.

Grav Core

Grav is a modern CMS in which writing content is simple and building pages is more friendly and intuitive. The Grav core specially talks about system folder which controls everything about Grav and represents qualities of Grav workflow and life cycle. It focuses mainly on pages which can be written in good manner. It focuses on your content and turns your content into navigable site.

Grav Plugins

Plugin is a piece of software that provides enhanced functionality which was not originally completed by Grav's core functionality. There are many plugins available on the Grav repository which shows functionality on the site.
Grav plugins provides some benefits such as
  • Grav itself is a super-lean which adds only needed plugins for your site.
  • There is no need to wait for adding extra functionality that you want. To achieve this, just create a plugin to extend Grav.
  • Plugins are so flexible and powerful which display site map, blog archives, search engine, provides breadcrumbs etc.

Grav Skeletons

The Grav skeleton describes a sample site which contains Grav Core, plugins, pages, theme all together. The initial idea behind Grav was to build site very easily. The things need for developing a site, that all are placed in a user folder. The skeleton of Grav comes with various dependencies such as plugins, theme etc and stored them in a package which can be unzipped to run the simple example.

Grav Themes

Grav supports different types of themes which are important part of a Grav site. When you install the Grav on your system, it comes with Antimatter theme. Most of the themes come with skeleton package or with sample pages. You can see the sample pages under the user/pages folder which provides similar experience as skeleton package.
The installed theme requires appropriate twig templates for your pages. A theme is combination of theme and content which is equals to entire site design. You can create your own twig templating engine according to your design.

Theme/Plugin Release Process

You can notice some of the points for your created theme or plugin which is added in the Grav repository.
  • It is open source with MIT licensed.
  • It has README.md file which specifies installation process and configuration of the project.
  • It contains blueprints.yaml file which includes information about resource and can be found at the root of each plugin and theme.
  • Contains CHANGELOG.md file which includes version of the theme or plugin and displays the information whenever changes made to the file.
  • Creating releases are better ways to place your completed theme or plugin on the GitHub. If there is no release, then you won't find your plugin or theme.
  • Add the details about your plugin or theme and do a test to ensure its working functionality.

ChangeLog Format

The changelog format is written in the Markdown syntax which keeps the content and visual display separate. It uses simple CSS and displayed in the following format.
# vX.Y.Z
## 01/01/2015
1. [](#new)
    * New features added
    * Another new feature
2. [](#improved)
    * Improvement made
    * Another improvement
3. [](#bugfix)
     * Bugfix implemented
     * Another bugfix

GitHub Setup

GitHub is a largest open community which shares your projects with the users, get feedback and contribute to the repositories hosted on GitHub.
Clone the URL of external repository into single project folder on your local system. You can clone the external Git repository to new repository as shown in the below steps.
Open the command line and create folder called "my_project".
$ mkdir my_project
$ cd my_project
$ mkdir grav
$ cd grav
$ git clone https://github.com/getgrav/grav.git
$ git clone https://github.com/grav_project/grav-plugin-error.git
$ git clone https://github.com/ grav_project /grav-plugin-problems.git
$ git clone https://github.com/ grav_project /grav-theme-antimatter.git
Here grav_project is a repository where you will get all the files and folders related to this repository will be saved in the /my_project/grav folder. The Grav includes dependencies such as error plugin, problems plugin and Antimatter theme.
You can setup the test site for Grav by using bin/grav new-project command. We need to develop the cloned code from the web root. So we have to symbolically link the related parts using -s flag to bin/grav new-project command.
Create one configuration file in a new folder called .grav/ to find the repository by using the command and you need to create this under root directory.
$ cd
$ mkdir .grav
$ vi .grav/config
Navigate to your grav folder and setup the symbolically linked site using -s flag.
$ cd ~/Projects/Grav/grav
$ bin/grav my-project -s ~/www/grav
Here, www is a root folder and grav is the location where you're going to create the test site.
Grav Development

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