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Monday, February 20, 2017

Grav - Blueprints

Blueprints are metadata information about the resource(source of information). It serves two purposes:
  • First is the resource identity itself.
  • Second is regarding the forms.
This complete information is saved in the blueprints.yaml file present in each plugin or theme.

Resource Identity

In blueprints.yaml file identity is defined for each themes and plugins. Resource will not be added in Grav repository until blueprints are not formatted and compiled perfectly.

Blueprints Example

name: plugin name
version: 0.6.0
description: Adds an advanced plugin to manage your site
icon: empire
  name: Team Grav
  email: devs@getgrav.org
  url: http://getgrav.org
homepage: https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-assets
keywords: assets, plugin, manager, panel
bugs: https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-assets/issues
readme: https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-assets/blob/develop/README.md
license: MIT

  - form
  - email
  - login

  validation: loose
      type: section
      title: Basics
      underline: false
      type: hidden
      label: Plugin status
      highlight: 1
      default: 0
        1: Enabled
        0: Disabled
        type: bool
Following few properties are optional and some are required to use to give your identity and resource.
name* Mention the name of the resource.
version* Specifies the version of the resource.
description* Gives brief description about the resource. It should not exceed more than 200 characters.
icon* Specifies an icons library for developing a new theme or plugin.
author.name* Specify the name of the developer.
Specify the email address of the developer.
Specify the URL homepage of developer.
Specify the allocated Url for homepage for your resource.
Specify the documentation link which you have written for your resource.
Specify the link of demo resource.
Specify the link of how to guide or tutorials for your resource.
Specify the list of keywords that are related to your resource.
Specify the Url where issues or bugs can be reported.
Specify your resource license i.e. MIT, GPL etc.
Specify the name of the dependencies that are required for plugins or themes.
Here is a small and simple example of login plugin blueprint:
name: Login
version: 0.3.3
description: Enables user authentication and login screen.
icon: sign-in
  name: Team Grav
  email: devs@getgrav.org
  url: http://getgrav.org
keywords: admin, plugin, login
homepage: https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-login
keywords: login, authentication, admin, security
bugs: https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-login/issues
license: MIT


You can fill the blueprints.yaml file with forms if you want themes or plugins to have options directly configurable from admin interface. The part of the resource can be configured via Admin Plugin is defined by Forms metadata.
Below is an example of Archives Plugin archives.yaml file.
enabled: true
built_in_css: true
date_display_format: 'F Y'
show_count: true
limit: 12
    by: date
    dir: desc
filter_combinator: and
    category: blog
These are the plugin's default settings. To configure them without the use of Admin plugin the user has to copy this file in /user/config/plugins/archives.yaml folder and make the changes. You can provide the archives.yaml file correctly; and can allow to change the settings from admin interface from the users. After saving the changes, it will automatically get written to <your_folder_name>/user/config/plugins/archives.yaml.
The blueprint.yaml file of Archives Plugin contains the structure as shown below:
name: Archives
version: 1.3.0
description: The **Archives** plugin creates links for pages grouped by month/year
icon: university
  name: Team Grav
  email: devs@getgrav.org
  url: http://getgrav.org
homepage: https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-archives
demo: http://demo.getgrav.org/blog-skeleton
keywords: archives, plugin, blog, month, year, date, navigation, history
bugs: https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-archives/issues
license: MIT

  validation: strict
      type: toggle
      label: Plugin status
      highlight: 1
      default: 1
          1: Enabled
          0: Disabled
           type: bool

      type: select
      size: medium
      classes: fancy
      label: Date Format
      default: 'jS M Y'
        'F jS Y': "January 1st 2014"
        'l jS of F': "Monday 1st of January"
        'D, m M Y': "Mon, 01 Jan 2014"
        'd-m-y': "01-01-14"
        'jS M Y': "10th Feb 2014"

      type: text
      size: x-small
      label: Count Limit
        type: number
        min: 1

      type: toggle
      label: Order Direction
      highlight: asc
      default: desc
        asc: Ascending
        desc: Descending
Following are the form elements presents in the archive.yaml.
  • Toggle
          type: toggle
          label: Plugin status
          highlight: 1
          default: 1
              1: Enabled
              0: Disabled
               type: bool
  • Select
          type: select
          size: medium
          classes: fancy
          label: Date Format
          default: 'jS M Y'
            'F jS Y': "January 1st 2014"
            'l jS of F': "Monday 1st of January"
            'D, m M Y': "Mon, 01 Jan 2014"
            'd-m-y': "01-01-14"
            'jS M Y': "10th Feb 2014"
  • Text
          type: text
          size: x-small
          label: Count Limit
            type: number
            min: 1
    The root element Enabled, date_display_format and limit are the options name. The field present in this root element determines the type, size, label, default and options. Depending upon the field type the other fields can change, for example the select field requires options list.
  • Order direction
          type: toggle
          label: Order Direction
          highlight: asc
          default: desc
            asc: Ascending
            desc: Descending
    This field consists of nested options. There are many field types that can be used in plugins/admin/themes/grav/templates/forms/fields. As we can see in archive.yaml file the form validation is set to strict. When validation is set as strict, then for all options you have to add blueprints form, otherwise it will pop up an error while saving. The form.validation can be set as loose when you want to customize only two fields to admin interface.
Following are brief explaination of fields of above form elements.
Type Indicates the field type.
Size Specify the size of the field.
Label Specifies label to the field.
Validate It validates the type of the field and the minimum length entered in the field.
Default Sets default fields.
Options Specify the list of options.
Classes Specify the class for the field.

Form Fields available in the admin

There are many built-in-form fields available which are used by plugins and themes or can create their own form fields. Following are the list of available form fields:

Common form fields

Checkbox Displays single checkbox.
Checkboxes Displays a list of checkboxes.
Date Contains date field.
Datetime Contains date and time field.
Email Contains an email address field with validation.
Password Contains a password field which displays in dot format.
Hidden Contains hidden input field.
Radio Allows selecting only one option from the list.
Select This field contains few options.
Spacer Adds title, text or horizontal line to the form.
Text Contains normal text field.
Textarea Contains multiline text inputs.

Special form fields

Array Add multiple key value rows.
Ignore Unused fields are removed.
Columns Divides the form into multiple columns.
Column Displays a single column.
Dateformat Sets the date and time format.
Display Displays text value without any input value.
Frontmatter The page is displayed in raw format.
List Displays a list of items without a key.
Markdown Displays the markdown editor.
Pages Displays the list of pages.
Section The setting page is divided into sections and each section has a title.
Selectize It is used to select boxes.
Tabs Settings are divided into list of tabs.
Tab The tabs field uses to provide a tab.
Taxonomy It is a select preconfigured to select the taxonomy.
Toggle It represents toggle effect that specify on or off type of input.

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