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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

JSF - Event Handling

JSF Event Handling

  • When a user clicks a JSF button or link or changes any value in text field, JSF UI component fires event which will be handled by the the application code.
  • To handle such event, event handler are to be registered in the application code or managed bean.
  • When a UI component checks that a user event has happened, it creates an instance of the corresponding event class and adds it to an event list.
  • Then, Component fires the event, i.e., checks the list of listeners for that event and call the event notification method on each listener or handler.
  • JSF also provide system level event handlers which can be used to do some tasks when application starts or is stopping.
Following are important Event Handler in JSF 2.0:
S.N.Event Handlers & Description
Value change events get fired when user make changes in input components.
Action events get fired when user clicks on a button or link component.
3Application Events
Events firing during JSF lifecycle: PostConstructApplicationEvent, PreDestroyApplicationEvent , PreRenderViewEve

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