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Friday, January 13, 2017

Market Your Writing 40 Kick-Ass Ways — Learn How in One Hour

How do you market your writing? Some freelance writers might use a few different methods — maybe you’ve sent a query or two, used social media, and hit a networking event. Or maybe you don’t do any active marketing at all.

As the New Year comes into view, if you’re not earning as much as you’d like, it’s time to map out your writing-market strategy for 2011. The luck fairy is not going to bring you an assignment from that national magazine, or a lucrative copywriting gig from a major corporation. You’ll have to actively seek those opportunities, and navigate today’s fast-changing freelance writing market.
How many ways are there to market yourself? I recently pondered this question with another successful freelance writer, About Freelance Writing’s Anne Wayman.
Together we came up with 40 different marketing techniques you can use to spread the word about your freelance writing services. And we’re going to offer you a chance to learn them all in a single fun, fact-filled, one-hour Webinar.
After I did my survey post last month and asked what you would most like to learn, I saw the majority of the questions you have are about marketing. So Anne and I have designed this Webinar to give you a major injection of marketing knowledge one hour flat.
I am so excited about this opportunity to empower freelance writers to sharpen their marketing and earn more from their work! Here are the details:
40 Ways to Market Your Writing takes places Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 9 am PST. NOTE: Only 150 people will be able to participate.
What’ll be happening in the Webinar? Anne and I will discuss the 40 ways in two sections — online marketing techniques and offline, 3-D world strategies. After each set of marketing ideas, we will take live questions from participants.
If you’re already marketing actively, we bet you’ll still find quite a few great ideas here. If you’re new to marketing, this session will be jam-packed with new strategies you can put into use right away.
Besides a chance to learn a lot about marketing your writing in a short time, this teleclass is loaded with freebies and discounts, including a 30% discount on my 200-page eBook, Make a Living Writing: The 21st Century Guide, for all participants. Everyone will also receive a free special report after the Webinar on the 40 Ways, so you don’t even have to take notes!
We’ve got four door prizes we’re going to give away for the best questions sent in on the registration forms:
One final discount — get $20% off admission if you register before Thanksgiving Day. Until then, the Webinar is just $19.99. The discount expires at midnight on Nov. 24. (If you’re reading this now, the discount has expired, sorry…but you can fan this blog’s Facebook page for possible new offers.)
If you’ve been looking to learn more about marketing, here’s your chance. I can’t wait to talk with you live and offer you personalized help building your business.
You can purchase the Webinar here. Your receipt email will give you all the details on how to register and participate.

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