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Friday, January 13, 2017

40 Ways to Market Your Writing–Sneak Preview!

I’m so excited! The 40 Ways to Market Your Writing Webinar is tomorrow. Here’s a peek at some of the marketing questions we’ll be answering in this live, one-hour event:

  • How can writers get their Web site to the top of Google searches in 10 minutes flat for phrases such as “Seattle freelance writer“?
  • What one marketing technique has an amazing 30 percent response rate?
  • How can writers advertise online without paying anything up front?
  • How can you use job ads for staff writers to find freelance work?
  • What’s the best way to use mass-freelance sites such as Guru or Elance to find good-paying clients?
  • Which marketing technique got one freelance writer $64,000 of new business in a year?
  • What will be the topic of the next Webinar Anne Wayman and I will present?’
  • What special offers will we make at the end of this Webinar?
Anne and I won’t just be rattling off the names of 40 marketing techniques — we’ll be sharing best practices for executing these strategies, and letting you in on some new twists for getting the most out of your marketing. Then, we’ll be answering your questions about the finer points of marketing your writing in two lively Q&A sessions.
I’m kind of bursting to share the information we’ll be giving out tomorrow, so here are just a few examples of the many specific marketing tips we’ll be sharing:
  1. To get the most mileage from your in-person networking time, consider creating an event and serving as host. Everyone comes up to thank the host, so it’s an easy way to meet every attendee.
  2. Get what is essentially a free ad on organization or association Web sites by asking if you can be included in their resource listings.
  3. If you do public speaking, record your talk. Then you can turn it into a podcast on your Web site and it can keep promoting your writing forever. (This one’s from my co-presenter Anne Wayman. Love it!)

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