Wednesday, April 5, 2017

wxPython - Hello World

A simple GUI application displaying Hello World message is built using the following steps −
  • Import wx module.
  • Define an object of Application class.
  • Create a top level window as object of wx.Frame class. Caption and size parameters are given in constructor.
  • Although other controls can be added in Frame object, their layout cannot be managed. Hence, put a Panel object into the Frame.
  • Add a StaticText object to display ‘Hello World’ at a desired position inside the window.
  • Activate the frame window by show() method.
  • Enter the main event loop of Application object.
import wx 
app = wx.App() 
window = wx.Frame(None, title = "wxPython Frame", size = (300,200)) 
panel = wx.Panel(window) 
label = wx.StaticText(panel, label = "Hello World", pos = (100,50)) 
The above code produces the following output −
Hello World wxFrame object is the most commonly employed top level window. It is derived from wxWindow class. A frame is a window whose size and position can be changed by the user. It has a title bar and control buttons. If required, other components like menu bar, toolbar and status bar can be enabled. A wxFrame window can contain any frame that is not a dialog or another frame.

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