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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tk - Widgets Overview

The basic component of a Tk-based application is called a widget. A component is also sometimes called a window, since, in Tk, "window" and "widget" are often used interchangeably. Tk is a package that provides a rich set of graphical components for creating graphical applications with Tcl.

Tk provides a range of widgets ranging from basic GUI widgets like buttons and menus to data display widgets. The widgets are very configurable as they have default configurations making them easy to use.
Tk applications follow a widget hierarchy where any number of widgets may be placed within another widget, and those widgets within another widget. The main widget in a Tk program is referred to as the root widget and can be created by making a new instance of the TkRoot class.

Creating a Widget

The syntax for creating a widget is given below.
type variableName arguments options
The type here refers to the widget type like button, label, and so on. Arguments can be optional and required based on individual syntax of each widget. The options range from size to formatting of each component.

Widget Naming Convention

Widget uses a structure similar to naming packages. In Tk, the root window is named with a period (.) and an element in window, for example button is named .myButton1. The variable name should start with a lowercase letter, digit, or punctuation mark (except a period). After the first character, other characters may be uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers, or punctuation marks (except periods). It is recommended to use a lowercase letter to start the label.

Color Naming Convention

The colors can be declared using name like red, green, and so on. It can also use hexadecimal representing with #. The number of hexadecimal digits can be 3, 6, 9, or 12.

Dimension Convention

The default unit is pixels and it is used when we specify no dimension. The other dimensions are i for inches, m for millimeters, c for centimeters and p for points.

Common Options

There are so many common options available to all widgets and they are listed below in the following table −
S.No. Syntax & Description
1 -background color
Used to set background color for widget.
2 -borderwidth width
Used to draw with border in 3D effects.
3 -font fontDescriptor
Used to set font for widget.
4 -foreground color
Used to set foreground color for widget.
5 -height number
Used to set height for widget.
6 -highlightbackground color
Used to set the color rectangle to draw around a widget when the widget does not have input focus.
7 -highlightcolor color
Used to set the color rectangle to draw around a widget when the widget has input focus.
8 -padx number
Sets the padx for the widget.
9 -pady number
Sets the pady for the widget.
10 -relief condition
Sets the 3D relief for this widget. The condition may be raised, sunken, flat, ridge, solid, or groove.
11 -text text
Sets the text for the widget.
12 -textvariable varName
Variable associated with the widget. When the text of widget changes, the variable is set with text of widget.
13 -width number
Sets the width for widget.
A simple example for options is shown below.

grid [label .myLabel -background red -text "Hello World" -relief ridge -borderwidth 3]
   -padx 100 -pady 100
When we run the above program, we will get the following output.
Hello World Options The list of available widgets are categorized below −

Basic widgets

S.No. Widget & Description
1 Label
Widget for displaying single line of text.
2 Button
Widget that is clickable and triggers an action.
3 Entry
Widget used to accept a single line of text as input.
4 Message
Widget for displaying multiple lines of text.
5 Text
Widget for displaying and optionally edit multiple lines of text.
6 Toplevel
Window with all borders and decorations provided by the Window manager.

Layout Widgets

S.N. Widget & Description
1 Frame
Container widget to hold other widgets.
2 Place
Widget to hold other widgets in specific place with coordinates of its origin and an exact size.
3 Pack
Simple widget to organize widgets in blocks before placing them in the parent widget.
4 Grid
Widget to nest widgets packing in different directions.

Selection Widgets

S.No. Widget & Description
1 Radiobutton
Widget that has a set of on/off buttons and labels, one of which may be selected.
2 Checkbutton
Widget that has a set of on/off buttons and labels, many of which may be selected..
3 Menu
Widget that acts as holder for menu items.
4 Listbox
Widget that displays a list of cells, one or more of which may be selected.

Mega Widgets

S.No. Widget & Description
1 Dialog
Widget for displaying dialog boxes.
2 Spinbox
Widget that allows users to choose numbers.
3 Combobox
Widget that combines an entry with a list of choices available to the use.
4 Notebook
Tabbed widget that helps to switch between one of several pages, using an index tab.
5 Progressbar
Widget to provide visual feedback to the progress of a long operation like file upload.
6 Treeview
Widget to display and allow browsing through a hierarchy of items more in form of tree.
7 Scrollbar
Scrolling widgets without a text or canvas widgets.
8 Scale
Scale widget to choose a numeric value through sliders.

Other Widgets

S.No. Widget & Description
1 Canvas
Drawing widget for displaying graphics and images..
We will cover each of these widgets in the upcoming chapters.

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