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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Web - Skills Required

If you are planning to maintain a Website, then you would require a specific set of skills. This skillset can be endless because today, there are numerous technologies available and many are coming everyday. So you have to plan and affirm on any one of the available technologies and go ahead for your project.

This is not required that you should have knowledge of all the listed skills. If you want to develop a simple Website, then you would needs just first four skills listed here. Rest of the skills are required if you want to go for a bigger and more interactive Website.
  • Computer Operations − All you need to know is how to operate a computer − Windows, Linux or Macintosh. This depends on which Web Server you want to host your website. So you should have basic knowledge of that system only. You should be well acquainted of basic operations like creating file, deleting file, updating file, directory creation, file permission etc.
  • Remote Access − Most of the times your Web Server will be accessed from remote site only. You should be well aware how to connect a computer from remote site. So at least you should have basic knowledge of telnet utility to connect to a remote machine. There are many service providers who will provide you control panel to manage your Website.
  • File Uploading & Downloading − As I told you most of the times your Web Server will be on remote site. So you would need to upload and download all the files related to your Website. So at least you should have basic knowledge of FTP utility to connect to a remote machine and download or upload your files. Almost service providers give you facility to upload your files on your Web server.
  • HTML / XHTML Knowledge − These are the markup languages which you will use to build your website. So you should have good understanding on these languages. You can refer our tutorial to learn HTML / XHTML
  • CSS Knowledge − Cascading Style Sheet knowledge is required to achieve many results which are not possible through HTML or XHTML.
  • PHP Script − Now-a-days many sites are being developed using PHP language. This script helps you to create an interactive Website. You can refer our tutorial to learn PHP Script
  • PERL Script − PERL is another language which is being highly used to develop interactive Web Applications. So if you are planning to use PERL to develop your Website, then you can refer our tutorial to learn PERL Script
  • Java or VB Scripts − These scripts are required to perform user level validations and to add more interactivity in your Website. So a web developer is desired to have knowledge of any of the client side scripts.
  • AJAX Technology − This is the latest technology in the web. Google and Yahoo are using this technology to give a better browsing experience to their site visitors. You can refer our tutorial to learn AJAX Technology
  • ASP or JSP − These are another technologies to be used to develop interactive Websites.
  • Flash Knowledge − You can plan to use Macromedia Flash to build your Website. This is a bit time consuming to learn this technology but once you learnt then you can develop very beautiful and attractive websites using Flash.
  • HTTP Protocol − As you grow you are desired to have more knowledge about Web. So I would suggest you to go through the web backbone i.e. HTTP protocol as well. You can refer our tutorial to learn HTTP Protocol

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