TurboGears provides the tgext.admin extension, which is powered by
tgext.crud and sprox. This Sprox is a package used for the creation of
web widgets directly from the database schema. This can be used to
automatically create simple administration pages and is the toolkit
powering the /admin page in the newly quickstarted applications.
By default, the admin will provide an autogenerated access to all the models imported in your project models/__init__.py.
Through the manager, a user has been created during the setup phase. Now, it is possible to get access to the TurboGears Admin at http://localhost:8080/admin The first time this page is accessed, it will ask for authentication. You can simply provide the username and password of the user that the setup-app command created for us −
The page shows all the models created in this application. You can click any model to see the listing of entries in it −
The 'New' button on top of this datagrid allows the record to be
added. Similarly, action buttons for editing and deleting a record are
also provided in actions column of this datagrid. A search box is also
displayed to select records conditionally.

By default, the admin will provide an autogenerated access to all the models imported in your project models/__init__.py.
How to Create TurboGears Admin
The default TurboGears admin is created as an object of AdminController class −from tgext.admin.controller import AdminController class RootController(BaseController): admin = AdminController(model, DBSession, config_type = TGAdminConfig)This creates an admin for all the models with the default TurboGears admin configuration.
Through the manager, a user has been created during the setup phase. Now, it is possible to get access to the TurboGears Admin at http://localhost:8080/admin The first time this page is accessed, it will ask for authentication. You can simply provide the username and password of the user that the setup-app command created for us −
Username: manager Password: managepassIn order to login to the quickstarted project, add the following functions to the RootController class (controllers/root.py).
from hello.lib.base import BaseController from tg import expose, flash, redirect, request,url, lurl from tg import redirect, validate from hello import model from hello.model import DBSession from tgext.admin.tgadminconfig import BootstrapTGAdminConfig as TGAdminConfig from tgext.admin.controller import AdminController from tg.exceptions import HTTPFound class RootController(BaseController): admin = AdminController(model, DBSession, config_type = TGAdminConfig) @expose('hello.templates.index') def index(self): return dict(page = 'index') @expose('hello.templates.login') def login(self, came_from = lurl('/'), failure = None, login = ''): if failure is not None: if failure == 'user-not-found': flash(_('User not found'), 'error') elif failure == 'invalid-password': flash(_('Invalid Password'), 'error') login_counter = request.environ.get('repoze.who.logins', 0) if failure is None and login_counter > 0: flash(_('Wrong credentials'), 'warning') return dict(page = 'login', login_counter = str(login_counter), came_from = came_from, login = login) @expose() def post_login(self, came_from = lurl('/')): if not request.identity: login_counter = request.environ.get('repoze.who.logins', 0) + 1 redirect('/login', params = dict(came_from = came_from, __logins = login_counter)) userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] flash(('Welcome back, %s!') % userid) return HTTPFound(location = came_from)Login to the 'quickstarted' application after starting the server and by visiting http://localhost:8080/login and then enter the manager credentials as displayed above. The browser will display an admin page like the one shown below −

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