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Monday, March 13, 2017

SVG - Text

<text> element is used to draw text.


Following is the syntax declaration of <text> element. We've shown main attributes only.
  dx="list of lengths"
  dy="list of lengths"
  rotate="list of numbers"
  lengthAdjust="spacing" >


Sr.No. Attribute & Description
1 x − x axis coordinates of glyphs.
2 y − y axis coordinates of glyphs.
3 dx − shift along with x-axis.
4 dy − shift along with y-axis.
5 rotate − rotation applied to all glyphs.
6 textlength − rendering length of the text.
7 lengthAdjust − type of adjustment with the rendered length of the text.


   <title>SVG Text</title>
      <h1>Sample SVG Text</h1>
      <svg width="800" height="800">
            <text x="30" y="12" >Text: </text>
            <text x="30" y="30" fill="rgb(121,0,121)">WWW.TutorialsPoint.COM</text>


Open textSVG.htm in Chrome web browser. You can use Chrome/Firefox/Opera to view SVG image directly without any plugin. Internet Explorer 9 and higher also supports SVG image rendering.

Text with rotate

   <title>SVG Text</title>
      <h1>Sample SVG Text</h1>
      <svg width="800" height="800">
            <text x="30" y="12" >Multiline Text: </text>
            <text x="30" y="30" fill="rgb(121,0,121)">WWW.TutorialsPoint.COM
            <tspan x="30" y="50" font-weight="bold">Simply Easy learning.</tspan>
            <tspan x="30" y="70">We teach just for free.</tspan>


Open textSVG.htm in Chrome web browser. You can use Chrome/Firefox/Opera to view SVG image directly without any plugin. Internet Explorer 9 and higher also supports SVG image rendering.

Multiline Text

   <title>SVG Text</title>
      <h1>Sample SVG Text</h1>
      <svg width="570" height="100">
            <text x="30" y="12" >Multiline Text: </text>
            <text x="30" y="30" fill="rgb(121,0,121)">WWW.TutorialsPoint.COM
               <tspan x="30" y="50" font-weight="bold">Simply Easy learning.</tspan>
               <tspan x="30" y="70">We teach just for free.</tspan>


Open textSVG.htm in Chrome web browser. You can use Chrome/Firefox/Opera to view SVG image directly without any plugin. Internet Explorer 9 and higher also supports SVG image rendering.

Hyper link Text

   <title>SVG Text</title>
      <h1>Sample SVG Text</h1>
      <svg width="800" height="800">
            <text x="30" y="10" >Text as Link: </text>
            <a xlink:href="http://www.tutorialspoint.com/svg/" target="_blank">
               <text font-family="Verdana" font-size="20"  x="30" y="30" 


Open textSVG.htm in Chrome web browser. You can use Chrome/Firefox/Opera to view SVG image directly without any plugin. Internet Explorer 9 and higher also supports SVG image rendering.

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