List is one of the basic data-type available in Tcl. It is used for
representing an ordered collection of items. It can include different
types of items in the same list. Further, a list can contain another
An important thing that needs to be noted is that these lists are represented as strings completely and processed to form individual items when required. So, avoid large lists and in such cases; use array.
An important thing that needs to be noted is that these lists are represented as strings completely and processed to form individual items when required. So, avoid large lists and in such cases; use array.
Creating a List
The general syntax for list is given below −set listName { item1 item2 item3 .. itemn } # or set listName [list item1 item2 item3] # or set listName [split "items separated by a character" split_character]Some examples are given below −
#!/usr/bin/tclsh set colorList1 {red green blue} set colorList2 [list red green blue] set colorList3 [split "red_green_blue" _] puts $colorList1 puts $colorList2 puts $colorList3When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
red green blue red green blue red green blue
Appending Item to a List
The syntax for appending item to a list is given below −append listName split_character value # or lappend listName valueSome examples are given below −
#!/usr/bin/tclsh set var orange append var " " "blue" lappend var "red" lappend var "green" puts $varWhen the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
orange blue red green
Length of List
The syntax for length of list is given below −llength listNameExample for length of list is given below −
#!/usr/bin/tclsh set var {orange blue red green} puts [llength $var]When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
List Item at Index
The syntax for selecting list item at specific index is given below −lindex listname indexExample for list item at index is given below −
#!/usr/bin/tclsh set var {orange blue red green} puts [lindex $var 1]When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
Insert Item at Index
The syntax for inserting list items at specific index is given below.linsert listname index value1 value2..valuenExample for inserting list item at specific index is given below.
#!/usr/bin/tclsh set var {orange blue red green} set var [linsert $var 3 black white] puts $varWhen the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
orange blue red black white green
Replace Items at Indices
The syntax for replacing list items at specific indices is given below −lreplace listname firstindex lastindex value1 value2..valuenExample for replacing list items at specific indices is given below.
#!/usr/bin/tclsh set var {orange blue red green} set var [lreplace $var 2 3 black white] puts $varWhen the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
orange blue black white
Set Item at Index
The syntax for setting list item at specific index is given below −lset listname index valueExample for setting list item at specific index is given below −
#!/usr/bin/tclsh set var {orange blue red green} lset var 0 black puts $varWhen the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
black blue red green
Transform List to Variables
The syntax for copying values to variables is given below −lassign listname variable1 variable2.. variablenExample for transforming list into variables is given below −
#!/usr/bin/tclsh set var {orange blue red green} lassign $var colour1 colour2 puts $colour1 puts $colour2When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
orange blue
Sorting a List
The syntax for sorting a list is given below −lsort listnameAn example for sorting a list is given below −
#!/usr/bin/tclsh set var {orange blue red green} set var [lsort $var] puts $varWhen the above code is executed, it produces the following result −
blue green orange red
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