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Thursday, March 30, 2017

PyGTK - Important Classes

The PyGTK module contains various widgets. gtk.Object class acts as the base class for most of the widgets as well as for some non-widget classes. The toplevel window for desktop applications using PyGTK is provided by gtk.Window class. The following table lists the important widgets and their functions −

S.NO Classes and Description
1 gtk.Widget
This is a gtk.base class for all PyGTK widgets. gtk.Widget provides a common set of methods and signals for the widgets.
2 gtk.Window
This is a toplevel window that holds one child widget. gtk.Window is a display area decorated with a title bar, and items to allow the user to close, resize and move the window.
3 gtk.Button
This is a pushbutton widget that issues a signal when clicked. gtk.Button is usually displayed as a pushbutton with a text label and is generally used to attach a callback function.
4 gtk.Entry
This is a single line text entry widget.
5 gtk.Label
This widget displays a limited amount of read-only text.
6 gtk.ButtonBox
This is a base class for widgets that contains multiple buttons.
7 gtk.HBox
This is a container that organizes its child widgets into a single horizontal row.
8 gtk.VBox
This is a container that organizes its child widgets into a single column.
9 gtk.Fixed
This is a container that can place child widgets at fixed positions and with fixed sizes, given in pixels.
10 gtk.Layout
This provides infinite scrollable area containing child widgets and custom drawing.
11 gtk.MenuItem
This widget implements the appearance and behavior of menu items. The derived widget subclasses of the gtk.MenuItem are the only valid children of menus. When selected by a user, they can display a popup menu or invoke an associated function or method
12 gtk.Menu
This is a dropdown menu consisting of a list of MenuItem objects which can be navigated and activated by the user to perform application functions.
13 gtk.MenuBar
This displays the menu items horizontally in an application window or dialog.
14 gtk.ComboBox
This widget is used to choose from a list of items.
15 gtk.Scale
This is a horizontal or vertical slider control to select a numeric value.
16 gtk.Scrollbar
This displays a horizontal or vertical scrollbar.
17 gtk.ProgressBar
This is used to display the progress of a long running operation.
18 gtk.Dialog
This displays a popup window for user information and action.
19 gtk.Notebook
This widget is a container whose children are overlapping pages that can be switched between using tab labels.
20 gtk.Paned
This is a base class for widgets with two panes, arranged either horizontally or vertically. Child widgets are added to the panes of the widget. The division between the two children can be adjusted by the user.
21 gtk.TextView
This widget displays the contents of a TextBuffer object.
22 gtk.Toolbar
This container holds and manages a set of buttons and widgets in a horizontal or vertical bar.
23 gtk.TreeView
This widget displays the contents of standard TreeModel (ListStore, TreeStore, TreeModelSort)
24 gtk.DrawingArea
This widget helps in creating custom user interface elements. gtk.DrawingArea is essentially a blank widget containing a window that you can draw on.
25 gtk.Calendar
This widget displays a calendar and allows the user to select a date.
26 gtk.Viewport
This widget displays a portion of a larger widget.

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