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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Scala - Data Types

Scala has all the same data types as Java, with the same memory footprint and precision. Following is the table giving details about all the data types available in Scala −

Sr.No Data Type & Description
1 Byte
8 bit signed value. Range from -128 to 127
2 Short
16 bit signed value. Range -32768 to 32767
3 Int
32 bit signed value. Range -2147483648 to 2147483647
4 Long
64 bit signed value. -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
5 Float
32 bit IEEE 754 single-precision float
6 Double
64 bit IEEE 754 double-precision float
7 Char
16 bit unsigned Unicode character. Range from U+0000 to U+FFFF
8 String
A sequence of Chars
9 Boolean
Either the literal true or the literal false
10 Unit
Corresponds to no value
11 Null
null or empty reference
12 Nothing
The subtype of every other type; includes no values
13 Any
The supertype of any type; any object is of type Any
14 AnyRef
The supertype of any reference type
All the data types listed above are objects. There are no primitive types like in Java. This means that you can call methods on an Int, Long, etc.

Scala Basic Literals

The rules Scala uses for literals are simple and intuitive. This section explains all basic Scala Literals.

Integral Literals

Integer literals are usually of type Int, or of type Long when followed by a L or l suffix. Here are some integer literals −

Floating Point Literal

Floating point literals are of type Float when followed by a floating point type suffix F or f, and are of type Double otherwise. Here are some floating point literals −

Boolean Literals

The Boolean literals true and false are members of type Boolean.

Symbol Literals

A symbol literal 'x is a shorthand for the expression scala.Symbol("x"). Symbol is a case class, which is defined as follows.
package scala
final case class Symbol private (name: String) {
   override def toString: String = "'" + name

Character Literals

A character literal is a single character enclosed in quotes. The character is either a printable Unicode character or is described by an escape sequence. Here are some character literals −

String Literals

A string literal is a sequence of characters in double quotes. The characters are either printable Unicode character or are described by escape sequences. Here are some string literals −
"This string contains a \" character."

Multi-Line Strings

A multi-line string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed in triple quotes """ ... """. The sequence of characters is arbitrary, except that it may contain three or more consecutive quote characters only at the very end.
Characters must not necessarily be printable; newlines or other control characters are also permitted. Here is a multi-line string literal −
"""the present string
spans three

Null Values

The null value is of type scala.Null and is thus compatible with every reference type. It denotes a reference value which refers to a special "null" object.

Escape Sequences

The following escape sequences are recognized in character and string literals.
Escape Sequences Unicode Description
\b \u0008 backspace BS
\t \u0009 horizontal tab HT
\n \u000c formfeed FF
\f \u000c formfeed FF
\r \u000d carriage return CR
\" \u0022 double quote "
\' \u0027 single quote .
\\ \u005c backslash \
A character with Unicode between 0 and 255 may also be represented by an octal escape, i.e., a backslash '\' followed by a sequence of up to three octal characters. Following is the example to show few escape sequence characters −


object Test {
   def main(args: Array[String]) {
      println("Hello\tWorld\n\n" );
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −


Hello   World

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