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Monday, February 6, 2017

Rexx - Signals

In Rexx, the signal instruction is used generally for two purposes, which are −
  • One is to transfer control to another part of the program. This is normally like the go-to label which is used in other programming languages.
  • The other is to go to a specific trap label.
If the signal command is used in any of the following instruction commands, the pending control structures will automatically be deactivated.
  • if ... then ... else ...
  • do ... end
  • do i = 1 to n ... end [and similar do loops]
  • select when ... then ... ...etc. otherwise ... end
The general syntax of the signal statement is shown as follows −


signal labelName  
signal [ VALUE ] labelExpression 
Let’s look at an example of how to use the signal statement.


/* Main program */ 
n = 100.45 

if \ datatype( n, wholenumber ) then 
   signal msg 
   say 'This is a whole number' 
   return 0 
msg : 
   say 'This is an incorrect number'
The output of the above program will be as shown below.


This is an incorrect number.
If you change the value of the variable n to a whole number as shown in the following program −
/* Main program */ 
n = 100 

if \ datatype( n, wholenumber ) then 
   signal msg 
   say ' This is a whole number ' 
   return 0 
msg : 
   say ' This is an incorrect number ' 
You will get the following output −
This is a whole number
One can also transfer to the value of the label as shown in the following program −
/* Main program */ 
n = 1 

if \ datatype( n, wholenumber ) then 
   signal msg 

if n < 1 | n > 3 then 
   signal msg  
   signal value n 
   3 : say 'This is the number 3' 
   2 : say ' This is the number 2' 
   1 : say ' This is the number 1' 
   return n 
msg : 
   say ' This is an incorrect number ' 
   exit 99 
The output of the above program will be shown as follows −
This is the number 1

Trap Label Transfer Activation / Deactivation

As we have mentioned earlier, the signal instruction can also be used to transfer control to a trap label.
The general syntax of the Trap label transfer is given as follows −


signal ON conditionName [ NAME Label ] 
signal OFF conditionName
  • conditionName − This is the condition for which the signal should be either be turned on or off.
  • Label − The optional label to which the program should be diverted to.
Let’s see an example of using a trap label transfer.


/* Main program */ 
signal on error 
signal on failure 
signal on syntax 
signal on novalue 
signal off error 
signal off failure 
signal off syntax 
signal off novalue 
exit 0 
error: failure: syntax: novalue: 
say 'An error has occured' 
In the above example, we first turn the error signals on. We then add a statement which will result in an error. We then have the error trap label to display a custom error message.
The output of the above program will be as shown follows −
An error has occurred.

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