Sometimes we want to run a foreign-language program inside the Erlang
Runtime System. In this case, the program is written as a shared
library that is dynamically linked into the Erlang runtime system. The
linked-in driver appears to the programmer as a port program and obeys
exactly the same protocol as for a port program.
Following is an example of a driver implementation in Erlang −
Creating a Driver
Creating a linked-in driver is the most efficient way of interfacing foreign-language code with Erlang, but it is also the most dangerous. Any fatal error in the linked-in driver will crash the Erlang System.Following is an example of a driver implementation in Erlang −
-module(helloworld). -export([start/0, stop/0]). -export([twice/1, sum/2]). start() -> start("example1_drv" ). start(SharedLib) -> case erl_ddll:load_driver("." , SharedLib) of ok -> ok; {error, already_loaded} -> ok; _ -> exit({error, could_not_load_driver}) end, spawn(fun() -> init(SharedLib) end). init(SharedLib) -> register(example1_lid, self()), Port = open_port({spawn, SharedLib}, []), loop(Port). stop() -> example1_lid ! stop. twice(X) -> call_port({twice, X}). sum(X,Y) -> call_port({sum, X, Y}). call_port(Msg) -> example1_lid ! {call, self(), Msg}, receive {example1_lid, Result} -> Result end. LINKED-IN DRIVERS 223 loop(Port) -> receive {call, Caller, Msg} -> Port ! {self(), {command, encode(Msg)}}, receive {Port, {data, Data}} -> Caller ! {example1_lid, decode(Data)} end, loop(Port); stop -> Port ! {self(), close}, receive {Port, closed} -> exit(normal) end; {'EXIT', Port, Reason} -> io:format("~p ~n" , [Reason]), exit(port_terminated) end. encode({twice, X}) -> [1, X]; encode({sum, X, Y}) -> [2, X, Y]. decode([Int]) -> Int.Please note that working with drivers is extremely complex and care should be taken when working with drivers.
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