A function is a set of statements organized together to perform a
specific task. Functions in programming work mostly like function in
math. You give functions some input, they generate output based on the
input provided. There are 2 types of functions in elixir:
Lets have a look at the syntax of named functions:
Anonymous function
Functions defined using the fn..end construct are anonymous
functions. These functions are sometimes also called as lambdas. They
are used by assigning them to variable names.
Named function
Functions defined using the def keyword are named functions. These are native functions provided in Elixir.
Anonymous functions
Just as the name implies, an anonymous function has no name. These are frequently passed to other functions. To define an anonymous function in Elixir we need the fn and end keywords. Within these we can define any number of parameters and function bodies separated by ->. For example,sum = fn (a, b) -> a + b end IO.puts(sum.(1, 5))When running above program, it produces following result:
6Note that these functions are not called like the named functions. We have a '.' between the function name and its arguments.
Using the Capture operator
We can also define these functions using the capture operator. This is actually a shorthand method to create functions. In order to define the above sum function using the capture operator,sum = &(&1 + &2) IO.puts(sum.(1, 2))When running above program, it produces following result:
3In the shorthand version our parameters are not named but are available to us as &1, &2, &3, and so on.
Pattern Matching functions
Pattern matching is not only limited to variables and data structures. We can use pattern matching to make our functions polymorphic. For example, If we want to declare a function that can either take 1 or 2 inputs(within a tuple) and prints them to the console,handle_result = fn {var1} -> IO.puts("#{var1} found in a tuple!") {var_2, var_3} -> IO.puts("#{var_2} and #{var_3} found!") end handle_result.({"Hey people"}) handle_result.({"Hello", "World"})When running above program, it produces following result:
Hey people found in a tuple! Hello and World found!
Named functions
We can define functions with names so we can easily refer to them later. Named functions are defined within a module using the def keyword. Named functions are always defined in a module. To call named functions we need to reference them using their module name.Lets have a look at the syntax of named functions:
def function_name(argument_1, argument_2) do #code to be executed when function is called endNow let us define our own named function sum within module Math.
defmodule Math do def sum(a, b) do a + b end end IO.puts(Math.sum(5, 6))When running above program, it produces following result:
11For 1-liner functions, there is a shorthand notation to define these functions, using do:. For example:
defmodule Math do def sum(a, b), do: a + b end IO.puts(Math.sum(5, 6))When running above program, it produces following result:
Private functions
Elixir provides us the ability to define private functions that can be accessed from within the module in which they are defined. To define a private function, use defp instead of def. For example:defmodule Greeter do def hello(name), do: phrase <> name defp phrase, do: "Hello " end Greeter.hello("world")When running above program, it produces following result:
Hello worldBut if we just try to explicitly call phrase function, using Greeter.phrase(), it'll raise an error.
Default arguments
If we want a default value for an argument we use the argument \\ value syntax:defmodule Greeter do def hello(name, country \\ "en") do phrase(country) <> name end defp phrase("en"), do: "Hello, " defp phrase("es"), do: "Hola, " end Greeter.hello("Ayush", "en") Greeter.hello("Ayush") Greeter.hello("Ayush", "es")When running above program, it produces following result:
Hello, Ayush Hello, Ayush Hola, Ayush
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